08. November  19:30 - 21:15 Rollstuhlgerecht
Schaubühne Lindenfels / Ballsaal
09. November  19:30 - 21:15 Rollstuhlgerecht
Schaubühne Lindenfels / Ballsaal
  • 2023
  • Theater
  • Theatre
Update: Contrary to what was estimated before the world premiere, the play lasts approx. 110 minutes!

German premiere | Coproduction of euro-scene Leipzig

With German surtitles | Trigger warning

Negotiating peace is a complex diplomatic challenge after military conflicts. In some cases, peace agreements are made; in others, complete peace is never reached or simply remains an arrangement on paper. Multiple wars and conflicts raise multi-layered questions and leave behind ambiguities, which makes peace difficult.

The Kosovo director Blerta Neziraj and the playwright Jeton Neziraj join together a pan-European team for the new production by Qendra Multimedia and look towards different models for peace negotiations from recent decades – also in anticipation of the end of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Among them are the negotiations to end military conflicts in Northern Ireland and the Near East, the Dayton Accord to end the war between Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995 as well as the peace talks between Kosovo and Serbia that have been going on for more than 20 years.

NEGOTIATING PEACE tries to visualize the backgrounds, challenges, fears and hope that accompany the reaching of a peace agreement and discusses important issues: Who has the power and legitimacy to negotiate peace? Do people truly reconcile after signing a peace accord? And finally: Can collective forgiveness ever occur, or is forgiveness an individual act?

Qendra Multimedia from Pristina (Kosovo) is considered to be one of the most interesting theatre groups in Southeastern Europe with pieces that provoke audiences and demand controversial debates.

+ Following both performances: discussion moderated by Eyck Marcus Wendt
+ On November 12: Discourse program NO WOMEN, NO PEACE on the topic of peace negotiations at die naTo

Tickets 24 € / reduced 12 €

Info on tickets + prices

Text Jeton Neziraj (Kosovo) Director Blerta Neziraj (Kosovo) With Shkumbin Istrefi (Kosovo), Ema Andrea (Albania), Harald Thompson Rosentrom (Norway), Ejla Bavcic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Martin Kõiv (Estonia), Melihate Qena (Kosovo), Orest Pastukh (Ukraine) Music Ardo Ran Varres (Estonia) Stage Agata Skwarczyńska (Poland) Choreography Gjergj Prevazi (Albania) Costumes Blagoj Micevski (Mazedonia) Video Besim Ukzmajli (Kosovo) Dramaturgy Mina Milošević (Serbia) Light Yann Perregaux (Schwizerland), Agata Skwarczyńska (Poland) Audio Tempo Reale / Damiano Meacci (Italien) Director assistant Sovran Ndrecaj (Kosovo) Artistic Direction Aurela Kadriu (Kosovo) Development + Fundraising Sven Skoric (Germany) German translation Zuzana Finger (Germany) surtitles Jeton Neziraj English translation Suzana Vuljevic (USA) International outreach Maud Dinand (USA) PR + Communications Mobius Industries (UK) Tour management Dejan Jovanović (Serbia) Sound Bujar Bekteshi (Kosovo) Technique Lulzim Rexha (Kosovo) Production assistant Flaka Rrustemi, Verona Koxha (Kosovo) Creation Teatri ODA, Pristina, Oktober 16, 2023

Production Qendra Multimedia (Pristina) Co-production euro-scene Leipzig, Teatro della Pergola (Florence), Kontakt (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Prague City Theatre, Mittelfest (Cividale del Friuli, Italy), Black Box teater (Oslo), R.A.A.A.M. Theater (Tallinn), My Balkans (Belgrad / New York) Guest performance support Goethe-Institut 

Photo Atdhe Mulla



Schaubühne Lindenfels
Karl-Heine-Straße 50
04229 Leipzig