• discourse program on peace negotiations
12. November  15:00 - 16:30 Rollstuhlgerecht
die naTo
  • 2023
  • Discourse

Update: Unfortunately the event has to be cancelled!

Cooperation with Weiterdenken – Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen

Without women, no sustainable peace – this simple conclusion is constantly demonstrated to be true globally. Innumerable women are committed to peace and security. For a long time now, even UN resolutions have been demanding the protection of women in conflict situations as well as the simultaneous participation of women in all phases of the peace process. But despite all efforts, hardly anything has changed in this area, which is still considered the domain of men: Women fight against patriarchal structures and are often confronted with attempts at intimidation and repression. This afternoon, we take a look at the realities in various peace negotiations and ask about concrete measures to strengthen the participation and influence of women.

In conversation: Uta Hergenröther, UN Women Deutschland e. V., Leitung Büro Berlin and guest tba

+ Wed, November 8 and Thurs, November 9: NEGOTIATING PEACE by Qendra Multimedia at Schaubühne Lindenfels
+ Sat, November 11:
UKRAINE FIRE by Dakh Daughters at Schauspiel Leipzig
+ Sat, November 11 and Sun, November 12: 
THE LONG SHADOW OF ALOIS BRUNNER by Collective Ma’louba at Schauspiel Leipzig / Diskothek

Free entrance

Production cooperation Weiterdenken – Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen, euro-scene Leipzig

Photo Weiterdenken / AI generated / canva

Free entrance


die naTo
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 46
Tel. 0341-301 43 97