Final Afternoon
Panel discussion and films
Sunday 14. Nov. // 02:00 – about 04:30 p.m.
Eintritt frei
Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig
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Teil I: 14.00 – 15.15 Uhr
Das Eigene im Gefüge – Risiko oder Chance?
»Framing Identity« – the motto of this year’s festival – is analysed. Based on certain guest performances, we are exposing ourselves to cultural, educational and philosophical examination from every angle. Which opinions are represented in the various countries? Is uniqueness preserved with entry into the European Union, or is the individuality of culture sacrificed for the »European vision«? What are our differences and what our similarities?
An individual will change when entering a community, but the entry of the individual will also have a changing effect on the community. Every person, culture, relationship, political ideal – everything changes, and maybe entry is not just a risk but also an opportunity for cultural diversity, which can be experienced nowhere in no greater concentration than on the stage.
Teil II: 15.15 – ca. 16.30 Uhr
Zwei Filme von EN-KNAP / Iztok Kovač, Ljubjana
Einführung André Thériault, Künstlerische Leitung TanzWerkstatt Berlin
Schwindelnder Vogel (Vrtoglavi Ptič)
Haus der Freiheit (Dom Svobode)
The empty factory buildings in the midst of the beautiful landscape have an eerie effect. Dancers and musicians come crashing in and confront the workers with their art. »Vrtoglavi Ptič« (»Vertigo Bird«) unites two eras in a dizzy combination of realism and fantasy. »Dom Svobode« (»House of Freedom«) is the name of an arts centre from the socialist era. It now stands empty, as performers prefer to go into the mountains, where new freedom makes the world and its restrictions seem to disappear beneath their feet.
Iztok Kovač has produced two captivating films in his home city of Trbovlje, with his company EN-KNAP. Their interaction of art and society as well as dynamics of the choreography puts them amongst the best that dance film has seen since the fall of socialism.
In Koooperation mit dem Zeitgeschichtlichen Forum Leipzig
Von Andreja Rauch und Mala Kline, Tänzerinnen bei EN-KNAP, sind eigene Choreografien im Hauptprogramm zu sehen.
Foto: Haus der Freiheit (Dom Svoboda)
Das Eigene im Gefüge – Risiko oder Chance?
Irini Hänig-Hadjikypri, Referentin Kulturabteilung – Goethe-Zentrum, Nicosia / Zypern
Ina Pukelyte, Intendantin – Staatliches Schauspielhaus, Kaunas / Litauen
Dr. Elisabeth Schweeger, Intendantin – Schauspiel Frankfurt-Main / Deutschland
András Forgách, Schriftsteller, Übersetzer, Festivalkurator, Budapest / Ungarn
Moderation: Bernd Hilder, Chefredakteur – Leipziger Volkszeitung
Schwindelnder Vogel (Vrtoglavi Ptič)
Konzept und Choreografie: Iztok Kovač
Regie: Saso Podgorsek
Musik: Boris Kovač
Darsteller: Maja Delak, Antoine Lubach, Mala Kline, Iztok Kovač, Kathleen Reynolds, Jordi Casanovas Sempere, Claudia de Serpa Soares
Uraufführung: 28.01.1997, Ljubljana // Farbe // 34 Minuten
Haus der Freiheit (Dom Svobode)
Konzept: Iztok Kovač, Saso Podgorsek
Choreografie: Iztok Kovač
Musik: Thierry De Mey
Darsteller: Michael Ruegg, Jordi Cortes Molina, Mala Kline, Maja Delak, Jordi Casanovas Sempere, Ana Stegnar, Iztok Kovač, Ales Hadalin, Uraufführung: 03.04.2000, Portoroz // 30 Minuten