Teatr.doc., Moskau in cooperation with SounDrama Studio
Wednesday 8. Nov. // 07:30 – 08:45 p.m.
Thursday 9. Nov. // 10:00 – 11:15 p.m.
Neue Szene / Schauspiel Leipzig
After his studies, a young doctor is sent to the country. Initially inspired with ideas, the reality of the Russian provincial health system quickly brings him down to earth. Between glasses of vodka and pickled gherkins, he has to work with rusty equipment, deliver babies in his capacity as a surgeon and, above all, hold his drink.
»Dok.Tor« is a time-critical and, at the same time, highly amusing piece. The staging multiplies the actors into a kind of Greek choir and makes the text into a parable. The society-related topic together with the innovative, highly musical style of direction and the fantastic actors create a high quality theatrical experience.
Wladimir Pankow, born in Moscow in 1975, is one of the most successful directors of the young generation on the Moscow scene and received numerous awards. As an actor, he has been involved with international productions and also works as a composer for theatre and television. Elena Isajewa, born in Moscow in 1966, is a playwright, lyricist and scriptwriter. Her scripts are played in numerous Russian theatres and have received several awards.
Teatr.doc was founded in 2002 by playwrights Elena Gremina, Mikhail Ugarow, Olga Mikhailowa and Maxim Kuroschkin and now has cult status in Russia. To date, the company has released 28 productions, mainly drawing the young public to flock to the theatre.
»In a fast-paced hour, the magnificent collage of techno, pop, accordion and rap relates the adversities of a medical practitioner not only lacking in staff and equipment, but also suffering from fading morale« (Kristin Becker, taz, Berlin, 17.06.2006).
Uraufführung: 07.11.2005, Teatr.doc, Moskau
Internetseiten der Compagnie:
Produktion: Teatr.doc, Studio SounDrama
Das Gastspiel erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Goethe-Institut, München.
Text: Elena Isajewa
Inszenierung: Wladimir Pankow
Bühnenbild und Kostüme: Sergey Agafonov, Natalia Zholobova
Lichtdesign: Natalia Zholobova
Technische Leitung: Vladimir Nelinov
Darsteller: Olga Berger, Alica Estrina, Alina Olschanskaya, Sergey Agafonov, Sergey Shevtchenko, Andrey Zavodyuk
Musiker: Sergey Rodyukov, Akkordeon
Simultansprecher: Ralf Siebelt
In russischer Sprache mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung