Zwei Giraffen tanzen Tango – Bremer Schritte (Two giraffes are dancing tango – Bremen steps)

Zwei Giraffen tanzen Tango – Bremer Schritte (Two giraffes are dancing tango – Bremen steps)

steptext dance project, Bremen

Saturday, 11. November 2017 // 5.00 – 6.30 p.m.
Sunday, 12. November 2017 // 5.00 – 6.30 p.m.
From 14 years
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    • Dance

    A TANZFONDS ERBE project

    All in black, a group of mourners enters the snow-white stage. Miraculous, mythical creatures join them, a swarm of birds, the Egyptian guard of the dead Anubis, a tap dancer and a ballerina in pointe shoes. Events are slow, quiet, highly concentrated; they are characterized by bizarre figures, elements of the absurd, grotesque and humour.

    »Zwei Giraffen tanzen Tango« (»Two giraffes are dancing tango«) is the name of a piece by Gerhard Bohner (1936-92). He created it in 1980 with the Bremer Tanztheater; he had taken over the artistic direction, together with Reinhild Hoffmann, in 1978. Gerhard Bohner unified choreography, visual arts and contemporary music and embodies an important stage in German dance history. In 1998, euro-scene Leipzig showed his solo »Im (Goldenen) Schnitt I« (»In the (golden) ratio I«) with Cesc Gelabert from Barcelona as the festival’s opening night.

    Helge Letonja was born in Leoben / Austria in 1970. He completed his dance education in Frankfurt/M., Amsterdam and New York, and was a dancer at the Tanztheater Bremen for Susanne Linke. In 1996, he founded steptext dance project. 36 years after the world première of »Zwei Giraffen tanzen Tango«, he reconstructed numerous sequences; at the same time, he opens up new associative spaces.

    Premiére: 09.06.2016, Theater Bremen / Kleines Haus


    World premiére of the original choreography: 28.05.1980, Concordia-Theater, Bremen / 06.06.1980, Akademie der Künste, Berlin

    Production: steptext dance project, Bremen / Co-Production: Theater Bremen

    The guest play is funded by TANZFONDS ERBE – an initiative by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

    Conception and choreography: Helge Letonja
    based on the original choreography by Gerhard Bohner (1980)

    Music: Serge Weber und Originalkomposition: Gerald Humel

    Scenery: Rena Donsbach

    Costumes: Katja Fritzsche

    Lighting design: Laurent Schneegans

    Dancers: Leila Bakhtali, Irene García Martínez, Mariko Koh, Magali Sander Fett, Frauke Scharf, Kossi Sébastien Aholou-Wokawui, Konan Dayot, Oh Chang Ik, Médoune Seck, N.N.

    Introduction before both performances: Heide-Marie Härtel, Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen, and Helge Letonja, choreographer, steptext dance project, Bremen

    Archive 2017

    27th Festival Year