Wall dancin’ – wall fuckin’
pi:es / Alain Buffard, Paris
Saturday 8. Nov. // 07:30 – 08:30 p.m.
German premier
A man and a woman, always the same story – celebrated on stage in a thousand variations until you grow weary of it. But here there is a wall, the border between the sexes, keeping their secret and, at the same time, keeping them grounded. A wall, insurmountable for both, leaving them separated and longing for each other forever. This wall seems to be the basis for social, cultural and sexual values on which the hope for surmounting it is sustained.
The chance of love most likely lies in its impossibility, because the longing for it, the assertion of its possibility can lead us to search a lifelong and fuels action and progress. So is love just Utopian? Both the fear of it coming true and the fear of it coming to an end conjure up a wall that – even if it is only made of flimsy cardboard – you want to destroy. A man and a woman, always the same story – in a very individual, modern variation in a dialogue between body and image.
Choreographer Alain Buffard, born in Morez/Jura in 1960, represents a scenic radicalism which tends to be the exception in France. His dancing career got underway in 1978 in Angers, and since 1988 he has created choreographies, made videos and collaborated with sculptors. Régine Chopinot founded the Compagnie du Grèbe in Lyon in 1978. Since 1986 she has been working in La Rochelle, and in 1993 she began directing the Ballet Atlantique for which she has created numerous choreographies.
Ein Publikumsgespräch mit Alain Buffard und Régine Chopinot findet am 09. Nov., 11.00 Uhr im Institut Français Leipzig statt.
Uraufführung: 06.02.2003, La Rochelle
Internetseiten der Compagnie: www.barc.fr
Produktion: pi:es
Koproduktion: Ballet Atlantique – Régine Chopinot/La Rochelle, Théâtre de la Ville/Paris, Le Quartz – Scène nationale/Brest
pi:es wird unterstützt durch DRAC, Ile-de-France, Kulturministerium/Paris.
Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundilcher Unterstützung von AFAA – Association Française d’Action Artistique, Paris und Bureau du Théâtre de la Danse, Berlin.
Konzeption: Alain Buffard
Choreografie: Alain Buffard, Régine Chopinot
Musik: Ester Brinkmann, Maschine, ESG
Lichtdesign: Christophe Poux
Video: Bénédicte Jolys, Frédéric Marolleau
Tänzer: Régine Chopinot, Alain Buffard