The real fiction

The real fiction

Cuqui Jerez, Madrid

Wed 05 Nov. // 07.30 – 09.45 p.m.
Thur. 06 Nov. // 10.00 p.m. – 00.15 a.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    On an almost empty white stage, two young women are arranging objects, carrying things in and back out again and they keep filming something. They paint figures, make cable cars go and wind machines blow, shake and open bottles, inflate bags and carry boards. Improvised actions or celebrated rituals? »The real fiction« is one of the most surprising theatre pieces of the past years. The evening questions everything in the theatre that is taken for granted, baffling and entertaining the audience with its charming confusion between abstraction and play.

    »The real fiction« is a perfectly staged performance about meanings, which change with repetition, a change of perspective or expectations. The overall piece goes to the limits of theatre and demonstrates the possibilities of a comedy in its most experimental form.

    Cuqui Jerez, born in Madrid in 1973, studied dance and classical ballet at the Real Conservatorio de Música y Danza in her hometown. From 1995-97 she studied modern dance in Madrid and New York and has worked as dancer and performer for various companies, in films and theatre productions since 1990, e.g. with Jérôme Bel. She developed plays like »Hiding inches« (1999), »A space Odyssey« (2001) and »The neverstarting story« (2008). »The real fiction« was shown at numerous festivals, such as the Alternativo de las Artes Escénicas in Madrid, Impulse in Nord Rhine-Westphalia and SPIELART in Munich.

    »Chaos lurks everywhere or at least the cussedness of things … The viewer is confused. It seems a bit like old Pirandello going on. ›The real fiction‹ ends turbulently between appearance and reality and the audience applauds enthusiastically (real)« (Werner Streletz, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Essen, 27.11.2007).

    Carte blanche: Das Gastspiel wurde ausgewählt durch Tilmann Broszat, künstlerischer Leiter des Festivals SPIELART, München.

    Mit englischen Textpassagen

    Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung am 05. Nov. findet ein Publikumsgespräch mit Cuqui Jerez und Tilmann Broszat statt.
    Moderation: Dr. Martina Bako, Theaterwissenschaftlerin, Universität Leipzig

    Uraufführung: 03.11.2005, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt/Main

    Emailadresse der Compagnie:

    Produktion: Cuqui Jerez, Koproduktion: Plateaux – Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt-Main / Dirección General de Promoción Cultural de la Consejería de Cultura y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid / María Jerez und Amaia Urra

    Konzept und Inszenierung: Cuqui Jerez

    Bühnenbild und Kostüme: Cuqui Jerez, María Jerez, Amaia Urra

    Lichtdesign: Gilles Gentner

    Darstellerinnen: María Jerez, Amaia Urra

    archive 2008

    18th Festival year