The quiet dance / Speaking dance

The quiet dance / Speaking dance

Jonathan Burrows & Matteo Fargion, London

Wed 05 Nov. // 10.00 – 11.30 p.m.
Thu 06 Nov. // 07.30 – 09.00 p.m.
Kellertheater der Oper Leipzig

    Two men conduct odd combinations of steps and motions to the sound of their own voices. With intelligence, humour and exact timing they slowly lead the play to absurdity. Then a duel of words begins to which elements of motion are spoken. Little by little real motions are added and by intoning Italian folk songs everything is led to an ecstatic climax.

    »The quiet dance« and »Speaking dance« explore in an inventive and humorous way the relationship between motion and sound. After »Both sitting duet« (2002) the performances form the second and third part of a trilogy that the duo has shown in more than 170 guest performances in 37 countries since 2002. »Both sitting duet« was performed at the euro-scene Leipzig 2007 and at the award ceremony of the Caroline Neuber prize to Ann-Elisabeth Wolff in February 2008.

    Jonathan Burrows, born in 1960 in Durham, was a soloist of the Royal Ballet in London. He founded his own company in 1988 and also worked as a choreographer with the William Forsythe Ballet in Frankfurt/Main. Burrows gives workshops at P.A.R.T.S., the school of modern dance in Brussels founded by Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, and teaches at the theatre institute of the University of London. Matteo Fargion, born in 1961 in Milan, studied composition at the Universities of Natal in South Africa and London. He teaches composition at P.A.R.T.S. and writes music for numerous theatrical productions. Burrows and Fargion have been working together for 15 years and belong to the most successful British performance artists worldwide.

    »By now we ought to be accustomed to the surprises the wry, spry and elegant pairing of Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion keep springing on us, but somehow we’re not; they’ve always got an extra rabbit in the hat to take us unawares« (Ann Williams über »Speaking dance«, Ballet Magazine, London, Oktober 2006).

    »The quiet dance«
    Uraufführung: 07.08.2005, Tanzwerkstatt Europa, München
    Produktion: Dance4, Nottingham / Dance Umbrella, London / Joint Adventures, München / Kaaitheater, Brüssel

    »Speaking dance«
    Uraufführung: 18.10.2006, Dance Umbrella, London
    Produktion: Dance Umbrella, London

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    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch British Council, Berlin.

    Konzeption, Inszenierung und Darsteller: Jonathan Burrows, Matteo Fargion

    archive 2008

    18th Festival year