Tanz.Zypern (Dance. Cyprus)

Tanz.Zypern (Dance. Cyprus)

Echo Arts, Nicosia / Synthesis, Limassol / InterAct, Limassol / Omada Pelma, Limassol

Saturday 13. Nov. // 07:30 – 10:00 p.m.

    German premiers

    Cypriot dance and theatre have, until now, been completely unknown outside. Since 2001, the Rialto Theatre in Limassol has held an annual dance platform in March at which the choreographers take their audiences by surprise with their freshness and originality, critical zeitgeist and high-level dances.

    Unter der Haut, darunter … (Deeper than skin deep … ) // Echo Arts, Nicosia

    The elements of water, earth, air and fire are used as metaphors for the polarity between heaven and earth, relative to man.

    Alexandra Waierstall, born in 1979, her parents are Cypriots of German descent, graduated from the European Dance Development Centre in Düsseldorf- Arnhem. »Deeper than skin deep … «: 3rd prize, Dance Platform 2004

    Erwachen (Awakening) // Synthesis, Limassol

    Life is a cycle, made difficult to break by indecision and fear. Dark shadows take us by the hand and allow us at least a partial awakening.

    The compagnie Synthesis was founded in Limassol in 1985 and dances particularly productions by Margarita Makridou. Guest choreographer Marina Kyriakidou, born in Limassol in 1982, studied dance, gymnastics, and choreography. She was dancer at the state ballet in Nicosia.

    Blasen quatschen (Babble on) // InterAct, Limassol

    If words could take on form, most of them would appear as big bubbles. Words ask not only to be spoken, but also to be understood.

    Natasa Georgiou, born in 1968 as Cypriot in Epsom-Surrey/ U.K., founded the group Omada Pende in 1997 and InterAct in 2003. She created numerous choreographies, including productions designed for children. »Babble On«: 2nd prize, Dance Platform 2004

    Immergrün (Evergreen) // Omada Pelma, Limassol

    Once there was a house in a forest. Now the forest lives in the house. Our distance from nature is ever increasing. Forgotten scenery and its beauty can now only be experienced on video.

    Lia Haraki, born in Limassol in 1975, studied at the Laban Centre in London. Together with the performing artist Christodoulos Panayiotou she founded 2003 the company Omada Pelma. »Evergreen«: 1st prize, Dance Platform 2003

    Die Gastspiele erfolgen mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Ministeriums für Bildung und Kultur, Nicosia, und der Botschaft von Zypern, Berlin.

    Unter der Haut, darunter … (Deeper than skin deep … )

    Uraufführung: 27.03.2004, Limassol

    Internetseiten der Compagnie: www.echo-arts.info

    Erwachen (Awakening)

    Uraufführung: 28.03.2004, Limassol

    Blasen quatschen (Babble on)

    Uraufführung: 29.03.2004, Limassol

    Internetseiten der Compagnie: www.movingartscentre.com

    Immergrün (Evergreen)

    Uraufführung: 02.03.2003, Limassol

    Unter der Haut, darunter … (Deeper than skin deep … )

    Choreografie: Alexandra Waierstall

    Tänzer: Alexandra Waierstall, Peter Memmer,
    Alexander Michael

    Erwachen (Awakening)

    Choreografie: Marina Kyriakidou

    Tänzer: Marina Kyriakidou, Margarita Makridou, Kalia Papaphilipou, Fouli Stylianidou

    Blasen quatschen (Babble on)

    Choreografie: Natasa Georgiou

    Tänzer: Elena Agathocleous, Dara Milovanovic, Milena Urgen, Orestis Konnaris, Dimitris Spyrou

    Immergrün (Evergreen)

    Choreografie und Tanz: Lia Haraki

    Regie und Text: Christodoulos Panayiotou

    Archive 2004

    14th festival