Talk and film

Talk and film

Talk with Alain Platel, choreographer and director, Ghent
Film »›vsprs‹ show and tell« by Sophie Fiennes

Sun. 09 Nov. // 02.30 – about 04.00 p.m.
Festival café at Telegraph

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In front of a mountain of white rags, a baroque ensemble together with jazz and gypsy musicians plays the opening bars by Claudio Monteverdi. A silvery soprano voice rises over this. The stage fills with a colourful band of individualists in ecstatic action. As with all pieces by Alain Platel, »vsprs« is also the result of intensive co-operation with the dancers: eleven strong personalities of different ages and cultural backgrounds. This produces an immediate, unadulterated and personal quality.

English filmmaker Sophie Fiennes accompanied Alain Platel and his dancers to Avignon in the summer of 2006 and, through discussions and intensive proximity, created a filmed exploration of ecstasy. The euro-scene Leipzig has shown the film she created with Platel, »Because I sing – The film« in 2002. Alain Platel is one the most important contemporary choreographers of our time. With the piece »vsprs« he gave a guest performance at the euro-scene Leipzig 2006.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch ZDFtheaterkanal

Am 08. und 09. Nov. gastiert Alain Platel mit seinem neuen Stück »pitié!« (»Erbarme Dich!«) im Centraltheater.

Konzept und Choreografie: Alain Platel

Musik: Fabrizio Cassol nach »Il vespro della beate virgine« (»Die Marienvesper«) von Claudio Monteverdi

Regie: Sophie Fiennes

Erstausstrahlung: 14.01.2008 ARTE / Dauer: 58 Minuten / In französischer Sprache mit deutscher Untertitelung

Produktion: Les Ballets C. de la B., Gent, in Zusammenarbeit mit Amoeba Film, London, im Auftrag des ZDFtheaterkanal
Belgien, Großbritannien, Deutschland 2007

Moderation: Michael Freundt, stellv. Direktor des Internationalen Theaterinstituts (ITI), Berlin

archive 2008

18th Festival year