Tagwerk – Werkstatt – Tanz (Version II) (Daily work – Workshop – Dance« (Version II))
Own production Schaubühne Lindenfels, Leipzig & euro-scene Leipzig
Saturday 1. Nov. and Sunday 2. Nov. // 07:30 – about 09:30 p.m.
Monday 3. Nov. // 10:00 p.m – about 12:00 a.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels
Debut performance
Two teams, two paths for approaching the »Tagwerk« (»Daily work«) in dance. Tagwerk – it’s everyday life and work, but also encounters and love. The 2nd version of »Tagwerk – Werkstatt – Tanz« (»Daily work – Workshop – Dance«) is the continuation and result of young choreographers’ research and search for material that began during last year’s festival. From a group of last year’s choreographers (Martina La Bonté, Heike Hennig, Lara Kugelmann, Takashi Iwaoka), the co-producers euro-scene Leipzig and Schaubühne Lindenfels chose the two with the most conflicting styles for further development. After a rehearsal process of several weeks, they will present two completed pieces this year.
The Leipzig choreographer Martina La Bonté has her dancers fill up the day as a unit of measurement. Familiar but dreary routines, work and constant positioning determine their »Tagwerk«. In their interplay, two women and two men mirror the conflicts and harmony of everyday life and survey space, time and relationships.
The approach of the Japanese performer and choreographer Takashi Iwaoka is completely different. He’s more concerned about the authenticity of his actors: A mother, a secretary, a tango teacher and he himself as a choreographer question their »Tagwerk«. Isolation through individuality seems to be characteristic of these four worlds, but the question about the necessity of communication and interaction is constantly present.
Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung am 02. Nov. findet ein Publikumsgespräch statt.
Moderation: Janine Schulze, Tanzarchiv Leipzig e. V.
Uraufführung: 01.11.2003, Leipzig
Produktion »Laboratoire Étoile«: Earthdance-Cooperation, Schaubühne Lindenfels, euro-scene Leipzig
Produktion »Day To Day Dream«: Schaubühne Lindenfels, euro-scene Leipzig
Gefördert durch den Fonds Darstellende Künste e. V. aus Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Angelegenheiten der Kultur und der Medien
Laboratoire Étoile
Choreografie: Martina La Bonté, Leipzig
Tänzer: Susanne Ogan, Berlin, Katja Scholz, Berlin, Giannalberto de Fillipis, Bologna, Giacomo Sacenti, Bologna/Stuttgart
Day To Day Dream
Choreografie: Takashi Iwaoka, Amsterdam/Leipzig
Tänzer: Susanne Klinger, Heike Albrecht, Roubén Covacevich (alle Leipzig), Takashi Iwaoka