Tagwerk – Werkstatt – Tanz (Daily work – Workshop – Dance)

Tagwerk – Werkstatt – Tanz (Daily work – Workshop – Dance)

Own production euro-scene Leipzig & Schaubühne Lindenfels

Wednesday 13. Nov. and Thursday 14. Nov. // 10:00 – about 11:45 p.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    An evening of dance in Leipzig

    »Tagwerk« is the attempt of both co-producers euro-scene Leipzig and Schaubühne Lindenfels, as a successor to the »Tanzplattform Deutschland 2002«, to follow up on the potential of the Leipzig dance scene and, at the same time, to provide a stimulus for the city’s choreographers and dancers – »roots & visions« of dance in Leipzig.

    After two in-house productions, »Speicherung« (2000) and »FCP – training method for (anti)social behaviour« (2001), euro-scene Leipzig will again make its own contribution related to the theme of the festival. Together with the Schaubühne Lindenfels, the production will be realized in several steps as a project development.

    »Tagwerk« stands for the first work stage, the research phase, the collection of materials, the cultivation of one’s own idea. The presentation of the results will take place during the course of this year’s festival. A second developmental phase is planned for the spring of 2003. The goal is to spend an evening at the next festival presenting one of the projects that has been worked on in this way.

    However, above all, we want to give four young choreographers the opportunity to further develop their ideas and work methods here in Leipzig and to draw the attention of partners to them.

    Four teams – a »Tagwerk«. A search for material from movements, stories and structures by means of dance. For two weeks, four choreographers work on their conceptions with four mentors and around 15 dancers. The result is an evening of ideas bound together by dance: The four teams introduce themselves together with their mentors, present dance sequences and offer insight into their concepts as regards content, as well as into visual concepts. And, afterwards you can celebrate.


    Choreografie: Heike Hennig

    Mentorin: Chat, Berlin

    Tänzer: Friederike Plafki, Berlin/Leipzig, Heike Hennig, Michael Veit, Leipzig

    See you

    Choreografie: Lara Kugelmann, Berlin – Frankfurt/Main


    Co-Mentorin: Dovrat Meron, Berlin

    Anka Baier, Berlin/Leipzig

    Darsteller: Anka Baier, Gyuri Barkoczi, Oldenburg, Orthia Barke, Susann Hanske, Ania Voigt, Erol Sakinc, Wolfgang Valentin (alle Leipzig)

    Musiker: Ingo Köcher, Leipzig

    Day to day dream

    Choreografie: Takashi Iwaoka, Amsterdam – Leipzig

    Mentor: Martin Nachbar, Berlin

    Performer: Susanne Klinger, Astrid Hamm, Roubén Covacevich (alle Leipzig), Takashi Iwaoka

    Im Anschluss an beide Vorstellungen findet ein Publikumsgespräch statt.
    Moderation: Michael Freundt, Theaterwissenschaftler, Leipzig/Berlin


    Uraufführung 13.11.2002, Leipzig

    Produktion euro-scene Leipzig & Schaubühne Lindenfels, Leipzig

    Gefördert durch den Fonds Darstellende Künste e. V. aus Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Angelegenheiten der Kultur und der Medien, Bonn

    Archive 2002

    12th Festival Year