Som faves (Some favorites)

Som faves (Some favorites)

Ivo Dimchev, Sofia

Wednesday, 03. November // 19.30 – 20.30 Uhr
Thursday, 04. November // 22.00 – 23.00 Uhr
Kellertheater der Oper Leipzig


    »Searching for traces« – within the communication between performer and audience. No firmly established piece is presented here; instead, a choice was offered to the presenters in advance: out of 100 proposed topics which the artist finds important, a selection of »some favourites« takes place. These topics are presented using a piece of music and a short scene, so that every evening, although it is well-structured dramaturgically, will have a different format and appearance.

    The performance explores the boundaries between privacy and public, between intimacy and voyeurism. As if in a laboratory, genres are mixed and ingredients are placed on display. Peculiar monologues, songs feverishly sung with an eunuch-like voice, absurd texts and wild dances, accompanied on the keyboard, create abstruse situations at a racing tempo.

    Ivo Dimchev, born in 1976 in Sofia, numbers amongst the most individual artists within the international performance scene today. Full of self-irony, wit and charm, he possesses a strong stage presence. Dimchev studied at the art academy »DasArts« in Amsterdam and is currently living in Brussels. Alongside this, he also teaches in Budapest and Antwerp. He has created some 30 performances, including »Lili Handel« (2005) and »Paris« (2008). Tours have brought him to numerous cities in Europe as well as to North America.

    »The festival directors saved an absolute highlight for the final spurt – the radical Bulgarian performer Ivo Dimchev appeared at ›Tanz im August‹ (›Dance in August‹) for the second time and showed once again that he is a true master of his craft: his physical and emotional exposure always goes just far enough to touch the audience without frightening them« (Elisabeth Nehring, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Berlin, 30.08.2009).

    Uraufführung: 26.08.2009, Halle – Tanzbühne Berlin, Tanz im August


    Produktion: Ivo Dimchev

    Koproduktion: Tanz im August, Berlin / DasArts, Amsterdam / Kulturhauptstadt Europas Linz 2009 / O is not company, Koninklijk Conservatorium, Artesis Hogeschool, Antwerpen / o espaço do tempo, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal

    Konzept, Text, Musik, Ausstattung und Darsteller: Ivo Dimchev

    In englischer Sprache mit deutscher Übertitelung

    Ivo Dimchev ist auch Gesprächsteilnehmer des Symposiums am 05. Nov.

    Archive 2010

    20th festival