Shite Samurai

Shite Samurai

Schauspiel Leipzig
Dance piece by Jo Fabian after Franz Kafka

Thursday 14 Nov. // 08:00 p.m.

    an adventure of difficulty level 7, dreamed up from reality

    Here the senses are important, not necessarily the mind. The production relies on the audience’s imagination, the effect of movement and space, music and onomatopoeia, light and darkness. The performers move in a surreal world, using a ritualized body language, borrowed from the Asian No theatre.

    Shite, in the service of an imaginary hierarchy, is given a task by the dying emperor. Despite his lack of comprehension, Shite has a sense of purpose in his life for the first time. His obedience costs him his wife, who leaves him for his assistant. Associatively daring, the play is also an experiment in transcendence.

    »Five years ago, the now thirty year old Fabian had already started to stage texts in such a strange way that they attracted attention, had to attract attention … Celebrated as the hero of unorthodox theatre …« (Süddeutsche Zeitung, München, 21.03.1991).

    Contribution selected by Schauspiel Leipzig

    Regie und Katagrafie: Jo Fabian

    Bühnenbild und Kostüme: Gerhard Roch

    Darsteller: Frank Sieckel (Shite), Claudia Wenzel (Ado), Volker Herold (Tomo), Fred-Artur Geppert (Bote, Waki, Wakisure, Zure)

    Mitglieder des Tanztheaters im Schauspiel Leipzig (Jiutai): Christina Brückner, Angelika Wenzel, Anne Bergel, Steffi Pfefferkorn, Werner Stiefel

    Leitung des Tanztheaters: Irina Pauls

    Archive 1991

    1st Festival Year