Ruhe (Repose)

Ruhe (Repose)

Muziektheater Transparant, Antwerpen

Donnerstag 5. Nov. // 19.30 – 20.45 Uhr und 22.00 – 23.15 Uhr
Gewandhaus zu Leipzig / Mendelssohn-Saal

    »Ruhe, schönstes Glück der Erde« (»Repose, happiest fortune on earth«) says a song by Franz Schubert from 1819. How does »German romanticism« go with memories of people who voluntarily joined the SS in the 2nd World War and who completely contradict our image of »evil fascists«? Their lines of thoughts bring fascism within reach of our time.

    Dutch artists Armando and Hans Sleutelaar tape recorded interviews with seven men and one woman, who have learnt nothing new. The publication of the book in 1967 caused a storm of outrage in the Netherlands due to its supposed »lack of moral framework«. This is not about a political statement but rather about the danger of normality and beauty.

    The Muziektheater Transparant, Antwerp, a »laboratory« for young composers, is mainly dedicated to the dialogue between music and theatre. Josse De Pauw, born in Asse near Brussels in 1952, is one of the most renowned directors of Belgium and became mainly known throughout Europe with his play »Übung« (»Exercise«, Brussels 2002).

    The performers in »Ruhe« (»Repose«) are twelve singers from the famous a capella choir Collegium Vocale Gent which was founded by Philippe Herreweghe in 1970. Today, with guest conductors such as Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Gustav Leonhardt, it is one of the most famous vocal ensembles in the world.

    »De Pauw takes the listeners … to the pain threshold of human sympathy. Is it permissible to sympathise with someone who is unable to acknowledge his responsibility?« (Carsten Niemann, Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 26.11.2007).

    Songs in German, text in English with German subtitles

    Uraufführung: 09.05.2007, KunstenFestivaldesArts, Brüssel

    Internetseite der Compagnie:

    Produktion: Muziektheater Transparant
    Koproduktion: KunstenFestivaldesArts / Zeeland Nazomerfestival, Middelburg

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch Ministerie van de Vlaamse Overheid, Brüssel / Stad Antwerpen / Belgische Botschaft – Flämische Repräsentanz, Berlin.

    Konzeption und Inszenierung: Josse De Pauw

    Textfassung: Tom Jansen, Josse De Pauw
    nach dem Buch »De SS’ers« von Armando und Hans Sleutelaar

    Musik: Franz Schubert, Annelies Van Parys

    Bühnenbild und Lichtdesign: Herman Sorgeloos

    Darsteller: Carly Wijs, Dirk Roofthooft

    Collegium Vocale Gent:

    Musikalische Leitung: Christoph Siebert

    Tenor 1: Dan Martin, José Pizarro, Albert Riera

    Tenor 2: Malcolm Bennett, Friedemann Büttner, René Veen

    Bariton: Kai-Rouven Seeger, Alois Späth, Robert van der Vinne

    Bass: Stefan Drexlmeier, Matthias Lutze, René Steur

    Archive 2009

    19th festival