Rosas danst Rosas

Rosas danst Rosas

Rosas, Brussels

Tuesday, 03. November 2015 // 7.30 – 9.15 p.m. (opening night)
Ab 14 Jahre
28,00 / 24,00 / 18,00 €(erm. 24,00 / 19,00 / 13,00 €)

    • Dance

    Dance piece

    At first, it is night for a long time, absolutely silence, followed later by the dawn. There is no stillness, no abbreviations, but a virtuoso nuanced change in minimalistic loops of movement. The constraints of everyday are palpable, but just as invisible as the questions regarding a possible male counterpart…

    In 1983, this piece marked the beginning of a new era in contemporary dance. It was equally euphorically celebrated and vehemently detested by critics and audience members at the time. »Rosas danst Rosas« is one of the few contemporary dance pieces to have achieved the status of a classic. In conjunction with music and rhythm, the choreography consists of simple everyday movements. Even 33 years after its creation and performed by four young dancers of the next generation, this piece has lost none of its impact. It was already presented at the second euro‑scene Leipzig in 1992.

    Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, born in 1960 in Mechelen, is one of the most significant contemporary choreographers. She presented her first production »Asch« in 1980 in Brussels, followed by »Fase« in 1982. De Keersmaeker founded her company Rosas in 1983, which she presented to the world with »Rosas danst Rosas« – one of her greatest successes. Numerous works followed that have been performed around the world. Rosas furthermore performed at euro‑scene Leipzig with »Rain« in 2002 and »En Atendant« in 2012.

    Uraufführung: 06.05.1983, Kaaitheater Festival, Théâtre de la Balsamine, Brüssel

    Produktion: Rosas & Kaaitheater, Brüssel
    Koproduktion (2011): Sadler’s Wells, London / Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch die Generaldelegation der Regierung Flanderns, Berlin.

    Choreografie: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

    Assistenz: Fumiyo Ikeda

    Musik: Thierry de Mey, Peter Vermeersch

    Kostüme: Rosas (1983), Anne-Catherine Kunz (Wiederaufnahme 2011)

    Lichtdesign: Remon Fromont

    Tänzerinnen: Linda Blomqvist, Tale Dolven, Sandra Ortega Bejarano, Sue Yeon Youn

    Am 04. Nov. finden ergänzend zum Schaffen von Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker statt (siehe S. 44):
    / 11.00 Uhr Workshop zu »Rosas danst Rosas« mit Fumiyo Ikeda
    / 16.30 Uhr Film »Fase« nach dem gleichnamigen Tanzstück

    Archive 2015

    25th Festival Year