Rechnitz (The Exterminating Angel)

Rechnitz (The Exterminating Angel)

Schauspiel Leipzig

Thursday 07. Nov. // 7.30 – 9.00 Uhr / Premiere
Friday 08. Nov. // 7.30 – 9.00 p.m.
From 16 years
Schauspielhaus / Hinterbühne

    Theatre play

    A place, somewhere. Between past and present. Messengers appear. They report. They tell. They defend themselves. They contradict themselves. Their themes: Forgetting. Remembering. Germany. All of us. And again and again: A party at a castle, shortly before the end of the Second World War. A party during which over 180 forced laborers are murdered. A party that no one wants to remember and no one can forget.

    The feast that Elfriede Jelinek makes the fixed point of her text has taken place: During a so-called SS evening party at the castle of Countess Batthyány, née Thyssen-Bornemisza, in Rechnitz / Austria, more than 180 Jewish-Hungarian forced laborers were killed in March 1945. An event that has still not been finally solved: witnesses died suddenly, the victims were never found, suspects lived unmolested – and the village community froze. A harrowing text about suppression, trivialization and mendacity.

    Elfriede Jelinek, born in 1946 in Mürzzuschlag/Styria, is considered one of the most important authors of our time. She received the Büchner Prize in 1998 and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004. “Rechnitz (Der Würgeengel)” was premiered at the Munich Kammerspiele in 2008. Enrico Lübbe, artistic director of Schauspiel Leipzig, staged the play in 2012 at Schauspielhaus Chemnitz as the first performance in an East German theater.

    Production: Schauspiel Leipzig
    Takeover of a production of Theater Chemnitz, premiere: 17.03.2012

    Text: Elfriede Jelinek

    Inszenierung: Enrico Lübbe

    Bühnenbild: Hugo Gretler

    Kostüme: Michaela Barth

    Darsteller: Ellen Hellwig, Daniela Keckeis, Hartmut Neuber, Michael Pempelforth, Sebastian Tessenow

    Am 08. Nov. findet im Rangfoyer des Schauspielhauses statt:
    / 19.00 Uhr Einführung
    / Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung: Publikumsgespräch
    Moderationen: Torsten Buß, Chefdramaturg, Schauspiel Leipzig

    Am 08. Nov., 16.30 Uhr, wird der Dokumentarfilm »Totschweigen« von Margareta Heinrich und Eduard Erne gezeigt.
    Einführung: Enrico Lübbe und Torsten Buß, Schauspiel Leipzig

    Am 09. Nov., 14.30 Uhr, findet die Aufführung des Films »El ángel exterminador« (»Der Würgeengel«) von Luis Buñuel statt.
    Einführung: Dr. Martina Bako, Universität Leipzig

    Archive 2013

    23rd festival