Propriedade privada (Private property)

Propriedade privada (Private property)

Compagnie Olga Roriz, Lissabon

Sunday 16 Nov. // 07:30 – 09:15 p.m.

    Dance theatre production by Olga Roriz

    Windows open in a wall, chunks of bodies appear. A city’s council flats – or an internal people’s conflict? In the poorer parts of town it’s all about alcohol, violence, sex and drugs but hidden behind them are dreams and illusions. This existence consists of fear and pain, the craving yearning for a way of life that fossilises itself behind a facade of wealth in boredom and senseless idleness.

    »A crime exists in so far as it is villainous to clad stony bodies in silken clothes, to turn the face away from evil as to make it invisible. A crime exists in so far as that it is villainous not to cry, not to suffer, not to be afraid of death or dying. It exists in so far, as to push aside meanness, sickness and hunger theirein to deviate from our goals, to forget who we are and what we are doing« (Olga Roriz).

    The modern Portuguese dance scene is presently one of the most powerful in Europe. In its potent temperament and thematic era reference it limits itself to pure schematic structures and therewith differs from many limitations of occidental aesthetics. Olga Roriz, who was born in north-eastern Portugal’s Viana do Castelo, belongs among the country’s leading choreographs. From 1976-92, and following a profound dance curriculum, she was a member of the famous Gulbenkian ballet in Lisbon. Based on that ballet’s sophisticated neo-classical style she searched since 1983 for a means to develop her own choreography and finally founded in 1995 her own company.

    Until now Olga Roriz created over 20 stage productions of which »Hunting scenes« (1993), »Finis Terra« and »Cold hands« (both 1994) deserve special mentioning. Her choreographies were invited to perform in countless European cities and international festivals and were honoured with several first prizes, such as in Osaka, London, and Tel Aviv.

    Final Night

    Uraufführung: 26.07.1996, Porto

    Produktion: Compagnie Olga Roriz, Lissabon / Teatro National S. João, Porto / Fundação das Descobertas

    Das Gastspiel erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch die Portugiesische Botschaft, Bonn / Kulturministerium Lissabon.

    Inszenierung, Choreografie und Kostüme: Olga Roriz

    Musikcollage: Ludger Lamers

    Bühnenbild: Joao Mendes Ribeiro

    Lichtdesign: Clementa Cuba

    Tänzer: Sónia Aragao, Luis Carolino, Ludger Lamers, Fabrizio Pazzaglia, Suzana Queiroz, Carla Ribeiro, Lina Santos

    Archive 1997

    7th Festival Year