pitié! (Have mercy!)

pitié! (Have mercy!)

Les Ballets C. de la B. / Alain Platel & Fabrizio Cassol, Gent

Sat. 08 Nov. // 07.30 – 09.30 p.m.
Sun. 09 Nov. // 07.30 – 09.30 p.m. (Final Night)
Centraltheater (former Schauspielhaus)

    People are waiting in the street and form small groups. Suddenly one of them bursts out, another follows; together they form the image of a pietà. Can our ability to sympathise extend beyond mere pity? What does it mean today to make a sacrifice or even to sacrifice yourself?

    The »St Matthew Passion« by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was first performed in 1729 in St Thomas’ Church in Leipzig. Now it serves the composer and saxophonist Fabrizio Cassol, born in 1964 in the Belgian Ougrée, as source of inspiration for an independent modern composition with jazz and folk elements.

    Alain Platel, born in Ghent in 1956, founded the company Les Ballets C. de la B. in 1986 and is one of the most significant choreographers and directors of our time. He has already been at the euro-scene Leipzig with five guest performances: »La Tristeza cómplice« (»The shared sorrow», 1996), »Bernadetje« (1997), »Iets op Bach« (»A little something set to Bach«, 1998), »Allemaal Indiaan« (»Everyone is an Indian», 2000) and »vsprs« (2006). With »pitié!« (»Have mercy!«) he turns to the music of Bach for a second time.

    »Platel searches, so to speak, for the divine spark in humans; with each scene he searches for images of suffering and empathy … What’s probably the most astonishing about this evening is that Platel plunges one’s head deep into the heart, but without ending up in sentimentalism« (Dirk Pilz, Berliner Zeitung, 04.09.2008).

    Followed by: Audience discussion
    Presentation: Klemens Wannenmacher, Coach and cultural consultant, Berlin

    Am 11. Nov., 17.00 Uhr, wird der Film »Tanz und Ekstase – Alain Platels ›vsprs‹« im Festivalcafé gezeigt. Gespräch mit Alain Platel: Michael Freundt, Berlin

    Uraufführung: 02.09.2008, Jahrhunderthalle, Bochum

    Internetseiten der Compagnie: www.lesballetscdela.be / www.fransbrood.com

    Produktion: Les Ballets C. de la B., Gent, Koproduktion: Théâtre de la Ville, Paris / Le Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg / TorinoDanza, Turin / RUHRtriennale 2008, Bochum / Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, Brüssel

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch Ministerie van de Vlaamse Overheid, Brüssel.

    Inszenierung: Nikolaus Habjan

    Puppenbau: Nikolaus Habjan, Marianne Meinl

    Musik: Kyrre Kvam

    Bühnenbild: Jakob Brossmann

    Kostüme: Cedric Mpaka

    Video: Johannes Hammel

    Lichtdesign: Günter Zaworka

    Darsteller*innen und Puppenspiel: Hanna Binder, Sabrina Ceesay, Bettina Kerl, Linshalm, Tim Breyvogel, Tilman Rose

    Einführung vor der Vorstellung: Nikolaus Habjan, Wien,
    und Marie Rötzer, Intendantin Landestheater Niederösterreich, St. Pölten

    archive 2008

    18th Festival year