Paysage inconnu (Unknown landscape)

Paysage inconnu (Unknown landscape)

Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans

Sunday, 08. November 2015 // 7.30 – 8.30 p.m. (final night)
Ab 14 Jahre
28,00 / 24,00 / 18,00 €(erm. 24,00 / 19,00 / 13,00 €)

    • Dance

    German première

    Two figures find themselves on a journey through unknown territory. They are searching for inner truth, the original state of the soul. A kind of bird people, they seem to have blended into a single living creature. Their movements embody states between unrest, tenderness, fear and aggressivity, often in an absurd, Kafkaesque manner.

    »Paysage inconnu« (»Unknown landscape«) is a fascinating dialogue between dance and music. The two dancers Ivan Fatjo and Josef Nadj form an abstract quartet with the fantastic musicians Akosh Szelevényi and Gildas Etevenard where the sounds of free jazz are sometimes in complete harmony with the movement and sometimes in total contradiction, always mutually influencing each other.

    Josef Nadj is one of the most renowned choreographers in Europe. He was born in 1957 in Kanjiza, a village in the Hungarian-speaking region of Vojvodina in the former Yugoslavia, which is now Serbia. In 1986 he founded the Théâtre JEL in Paris, since 1995 he has directed the Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans and has taken the company to perform around the world. At euro‑scene Leipzig he presented »Comedia tempio« (»Temple comedy«) in 1992, »Entracte« (»Interval«), »Woyzeck – ou L’ébouche du vertige« (»Woyzeck – or the hint of vertigo«) and »Journal d’un inconnu« (»Diary of an unknown«) in 2008, and »Sho-bo-gen-zo« in 2011.

    Uraufführung: 16.07.2014, Teatro Almada, Lissabon

    Produktion: Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans
    Koproduktion: Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco – Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea Onésimo González, Guadalajara, Mexiko / L’Odyssée, Institut national des arts du mime et du geste de Périgueux – Festival Mimos

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Institut français d’Allemagne, Berlin, und das Französische Ministerium für Kultur und Kommunikation – DGCA, Paris.

    Konzeption und Choreografie: Josef Nadj

    Musik: Akosh Szelevényi, Gildas Etevenard

    Lichtdesign: Christian Scheltens

    Tänzer: Ivan Fatjo, Josef Nadj

    Musiker: Akosh Szelevényi (Saxofon), Gildas Etevenard (Schlagzeug)

    Archive 2015

    25th Festival Year