Pax Germania

Pax Germania

Germany project, part II
Compagnie Jo Fabian, Berlin

Wednesday 12 Nov. and Thursday 13 Nov. // 10:00 – 11:30 p.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    Piece by Jo Fabian

    »History swept over parts of humanity and the remainder tries to escape from the self-destruction contained in it through an eradication of historical facts. The discovery of self-destruction as seen with the naked eye: German affluence is history, German unity is ideology and German peace is a crime.

    The socialist embracement of an utopian concept about is survival received a historical revision through which we without doubt got closer to the realities of an asocial society but through which we also seem move further away from the original purpose of life, namely the preservation of our species … In our quest for life’s purpose faces this perfect diversion the task at hand.

    Whenever the right of survival does not exist any more, becomes the theft of alien life forms for the preservation of one’s own species a reasonable undertaking. Whenever the matter of survival depends on money, privileges and safety, then is the theft of rnoney, privileges and personal safety for one’s preservation a reasonable undertaking. When the destruction of alien cultures for the preservation of one’s own culture becomes a reasonable undertaking, we become murderers. When the destruction of one’s own culture for the preservation of one’s own safety becomes a reasonable undertaking, then we are already suicides« (Jo Fabian).

    Regardless how strong the individual characters of the paternal East and West societies (still) are and in which direction the relationship of the various perspectives is developing – the Germany double project, which has its premiere during the Berliner Festwochen on the 19 September, shall provide a penetrating diagnosis of prevailing German conditions during autumn 1997.

    Jo Fabian was born in 1960 and worked in theatres in Gera and Meiningen after he completed his performing arts studies in Rostock. Starting in 1987, he worked as freelance director and author. In 1989, he founded the example dept. company which played also during the 1994 euro-scene Leipzig with his production »Whisky & Flags«. Beside his mainly Berlin-based freelance director endeavours, he also worked as a guest producer on state and community theatres in Leipzig (»Shite Samurai«, 1991), Dessau, Cottbus, Frankfurt/Oder and Tübingen.

    Konzept und Koordination: Henning Fülle

    Produktion: Hebbel-Theater Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Theater am Halleschen Ufer Berlin / Kampnagel Hamburg

    Die beiden Gastspiele erfolgen mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch Berliner Festspiele / Kulturbehörde Hamburg / des Theaters im Pumpenhaus, Münster / dem Siemens Kulturprogramm, München, gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung der Länder aus Mitteln des Bundesministerium des Innern.

    Konzeption, Inszenierung, Bühnenbild und Lichtdesign: Jo Fabian

    Musik und Ton: Ralf Krause

    Video: Nico Felden

    Darsteller: Ralph Boock, Marina Esser, Jörg Jüsche, Ralf Kittler, Paula E. Paul, Herbert Schöberl, Kai-Brit Schrader, Jörg Steinberg

    (on 12 Nov. followed by audience discussion)

    Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung am 12. Nov. findet ein Publikumsgespräch statt.
    Moderator: Manfred Weber, Intendant Kleist-Theater, Frankfurt/Oder

    Archive 1997

    7th Festival Year