Panoptik der Träume (Panoptic of dreams)

Panoptik der Träume (Panoptic of dreams)

Orphtheater, Berlin
After »Obituary« and other texts by Heiner Müller

Fri. 07 Nov. + Sat. 08 Nov. // 10.00 – 11.15 p.m.
Spiegelpalast in der Kongresshalle

    Chelsea-Hotel, New York 1978. The legendary punk couple Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols and Nancy Spungen are, still unsuspectingly, living their last moments before death; hungry for life, irreverent, rebellious. However, death is already sitting next door and, with all kinds of eccentrics, comments in turn on the events through songs and punk music.

    The musical revue was created on the basis of texts by playwright Heiner Müller (1929-95), which also include the »Obituary«, created in 1975 after the suicide of his wife Inge Müller. An adventurous journey time leads to three gravediggers as a symbolic trio of the Middle Ages and, in the same breath, draws a parallel with the recent history of the GDR.

    Uwe Schmieder, born in Bautzen in 1959, studied acting at the Theaterhochschule »Hans Otto« in Leipzig from 1981-85 and worked thereafter in Rudolstadt, Greifswald and Berlin, and as from 2001 also in the Schillertheater and the Maxim Gorki Theater. In 1990 he founded the Orphtheater in Berlin, together with other actor colleagues and has produced and played here numerous plays since. Matthias Horn, who is also director and performer, heads the only Off theatre in Berlin’s East that survived the years of political change. With its guest performances »Warten auf Godot« (»Waiting for Godot«) & »Quixote«, the Orphtheater was at the euro-scene Leipzig 1996.

    »The production is loud, aggressive, directly focused on its purpose and with a powerful visual impact and strong inventive aspect. It is played with conviction« (Robert Meyer, Neues Deutschland, Berlin, 06.03.2008).

    Vor Beginn der Vorstellung wird ein kleiner Einblick in die historische Kongresshalle gegeben.

    Im Anschluss an beide Vorstellungen findet ein Publikumsgespräch statt.
    Moderation: Michael Freundt, stellv. Direktor des Internationalen Theaterinstituts (ITI), Berlin

    Uraufführung: 01.03.2008, Orphtheater, Berlin

    Internetseite der Compagnie:

    Produktion: Orphtheater, Berlin

    Textfassung: Uwe Schmieder, Igor Kroitzsch

    Inszenierung: Uwe Schmieder

    Bühnenbild und Kostüme: Uta Kala

    Video: Rafael Scovino

    Lichtdesign: Stefan Wolf

    Darsteller und Musiker der Punkband »No Fear Punk«:
    Sie: Nicole Janze, Er: Wolfgang Scheidt
    Totengräber: Matthias Horn, Antje Görner, Matthias Hille
    Komponist und Musiker: Markus Götze, Chorführer: Andreas Uehlein

    Chor: Iris Marie Duffek, Sharon Edelstein, Patricia Granica, Jessica Hellmann, Juliane Kissner, Elena Marchenko, Annika Napoles, Serena Patalano, Almut Queitsch, Janine Seiler, Judith Thimm, Manuela Weirauch

    archive 2008

    18th Festival year