Osiris Coverage
Artus / Compagnie Gábor Goda, Budapest
Friday 7. Nov. // 07:30 – 08:45 p.m.
German premier
A journey between times, spaces and cultures. The central theme is the principle of disintegration. Everything disintegrates in order to make room for the new. Love is the source of all being and the search, attachment and separation connected with it follow secret principles. Analogies and mythological allusions in »Osiris Coverage« (in Hungarian »Osiris Tudósítások«) refer to Japanese shadow theatre, Egyptian mythology and Christianity, as well as to the 19th century and the present. Movement, dance, music and visual art come together as one and then dissolve again.
Osiris occupies a special place among the Egyptian gods. His siblings were Nephthys, Seth and Isis. There was a strange fateful link between these four siblings: They were not only siblings, but also linked as two pairs of spouses. As the kind and wise king of Egypt, Osiris was popular with everyone, and this aroused the envy of his brother, Seth. Seth tore Osiris’ body to pieces and threw it into the Nile. Isis fished the parts out of the river, put them back together into a body and became one with the resurrected Osiris.
Gábor Goda, born in 1960 in Budapest. studied violoncello, architecture, modern dance and mime, direction and choreography. In 1985 he founded the company Artus which, since 1997, has been using the spacious grounds of a factory in Budapest as its home. Guest performances have taken the company to numerous European countries and overseas. The German première of Artus’ production »Noah Trilogy« could be seen at the 2001 euro-scene Leipzig in the Werk II.
Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung findet ein Publikumsgespräch statt.
Moderation: Martina Bako, Universität Leipzig
Uraufführung: 18.01.2002, Budapest
Internetseiten der Compagnie: www.artus.hu
Produktion: Artus
Artus wird unterstützt durch Ministry of National Cultural Heritage (NKÖM), National Culture Fund (NKA), SOROS Foundation, Mayor’s Office of Budapest-Cultural Department, Fonó Music Hall Budapest, Albeo Kft., Artus-Soros Mobiltechnika. Für »Osiris Coverage« kam zusätzliche Unterstützung von Zumfilm, Trafó KMH, Autumn Festival.
Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung vom Goethe Institut Inter Nationes, München.
Regie und Choreografie: Gábor Goda
Musik: Erzsi Kiss, Balázs Temesvári
Bühnenbild: István Oldal, Ferenc Sebestény
Kostüme: Krisztina Berzsenyi
Lichtdesign: Gábor Kocsis
Video: Ernst Süss
Performer: Tamás Bakó, László Czétényi, Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Erzsi Kiss, Péter Lipka, Andrea Nagy, István Oldal, Orsolya Sipos, Lea Tolnai, Nina Umniakov, György Tr. Szabó