Mein Bild ist Dein Bild (My picture is your picture)

Mein Bild ist Dein Bild (My picture is your picture)

Workshop Catharina Gadelha, Köln

Thursday, 04. November // 10.00 – 14.00 Uhr (part I)
Friday, 05. November // 10.00 – 14.00 Uhr (part II)
Die Villa – Soziokulturelles Zentrum

    A Dance-theatre-laboratory

    Catharina Gadelha was born in 1966 in Brasília/Brasil. She studied dance and sport in Brasília and later dance education in Cologne. She pursued further studies in contemporary dance, choreography and acting art. Since 2008 Gadelha has held a lectureship for dance training, methodology and choreography at the Deutsche Sporthochschule Cologne. Catharina Gadelha was awarded the 1st prize for her solo »Dachte doch … « (»Was thinking … «) in the competition »Das beste deutsche Tanzsolo« (»Best German dance solo«) at the euro-scene Leipzig 1997.

    The workshop »Mein Bild ist Dein Bild« (»My image is your image«) comprises a training in contemporary dance and sequences in balance and creation. After that improvisation will be introduced to contemporary dance and theatre elements. The workshop is designed for dance enthusiastic amateurs as well as for dancers.

    Teilnehmergebühr (begrenzte Teilnehmeranzahl)
    Participation fee (limited number of participants)

    Am 05. und 06. Nov. zeigt Catharina Gadelha ihr Solo »Lilu – In den Straßen« innerhalb der »Langen Nacht des Tanzes« im Werk II.

    Foto: Catharina Gadelha bei einem Workshop

    Archive 2010

    20th festival