Marmelade – Jam Session

Marmelade – Jam Session

Compagnie La Strada, Sofia
Piece by Stefan Moskov

Wednesday 11 Nov. // 07:30 – 09:00 p.m.
Thursday 12 Nov. // 10:00 – 11:30 p.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    A paper-covered wood frame is backdrop, screen, interior and projection surface; all at the same time. Paint is applied, music sounds, a video recording shows a woman who, wearing a blue kerchief while spiritlessly working on an assembly line, suddenly has a tiny car driving from under her hands, chased by a gondola. Dreams of the vast world of western opulence are stirring …

    »Marmelade«, a mixed bag of dance. Theatre, performing arts, horseplay and jazz make for a perverse anarchistic performance. This mixture of silliness, slapstick and satire about our materialistic society radiates an enchanting naturalness.

    A dervish-like woman experiences a frustrating odyssey: »No entry visa«, it says at the frontier and the way back to reality is now sealed off by a dream and so she lands, among all the other wacky characters, in this marmelade world; a fruity coloured inventory of sobering borderline cases straddling birthing culture domains.

    The crème de la crème of actors from the grand theatre land of Bulgaria packed in its (comparably) well paid jobs and started from square one in a former union hall. Right away their very first production, the »The Street« variety show, received rave reviews within a few weeks and was highly acclaimed by both theatre experts and audiences. The title appeared in an Italian version, later as the name of the company, which always included improvisation elements and collage technology in its productions.

    La Strada was founded in 1991 by the architect Plamen Timev as Bulgaria’s first private theatre. The director Stefan Moskov managed the company right from the start and meanwhile conducted productions at German stages with great success, for instance at the Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf and at Bremen’s theatre.

    In englischer Sprache

    Uraufführung: 23.09.1994, Sozopol
    Premiere der Neufassung: 12.09.1997, Hamburg

    Text: William Shakespeare, Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechov, Ludmil Stanev, Ivan Kulekov und Stefan Moskov

    Inszenierung: Stefan Moskov

    Bühnenbild: Vecheslav Parapanov

    Musik: Antoni Donchev

    Liedtexte: Rada Moskova

    Darsteller: Maya Novoselska, Vyara Kolarova, Nikola Dodov, Valeri Malchev, Adriana Naydenova, Borislav Stoilov, Valentin Tanev

    Musiker: Antony Donchev (Klavier), Petar Slavov (Kontrabass), Dimiter Dimitrov (Schlagzeug)

    Archive 1998

    8th Festival Year