La cour d’éole (The schoolyard)
La corde à vent, Bourg-en-Bresse
Saturday, 07. November 2015 // 3.30 – 4.15 p.m.
Sunday, 08. November 2015 // 11.00 – 11.45 a.m. and 3.30 – 4.15 p.m.
For children from 4 years
Theater fact
14,00 € (erm. 9,50 €) / Kinder 5,00 €
- Scenic concert
- Scenic concert
Children’s play
In a schoolyard, the strange fruits of a metallic tree make sounds, bicycles hum in the wind and birds dance to sounds of a clarinet. Two young men find themselves on a musical journey which cements their friendship. »La cour d’éole« is a scenic concert, full of poetry and humour, without a single word. The use of self-made objects, dolls and fantasy instruments is enchanting.
The title has a double meaning in French, playing upon »school« (»école«) and »Aiolos« (Greek for »God of the wind«). The name of the company, »La corde à vent« (literally »The cord of the wind« as well as »stringed instruments«) also indicates lightness and ephemerality.
The duo La corde à vent was founded in 2000 and has been a part of the jazz collective L’Arbre Canapas since 2003. Following »Prises de bec« (»Disputes«, 2003) and »Derrière les bruissons« (»Behind the bush«, 2007), »La cour d’éole« is the third children‘s piece created by the musicians, performers and composers Gérald Chargnard and Sylvain Nallet.
Claire Monot, born 1961 in Dijon, studied theatre studies in Lyon and has worked as playwright, performer and director in all areas of music theatre. »La cour d’éole« is her first collaboration with La corde à vent.
German première
Uraufführung: 24.01.2012, Théâtre de Bourg-en-Bresse
Produktion: L’Arbre Canapas, Bourg-en-Bresse
Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Institut français d’Allemagne, Berlin und Leipzig, und das Französische Ministerium für Kultur und Kommunikation – DGCA, Paris im Rahmen der Belle saison. Kinder- und Jugendtheater aus Frankreich.
Konzeption und Inszenierung: Claire Monot
Komposition: Gérald Chagnard, Sylvain Nallet
Bühnenbild: Emilie Flacher
Kostüme: Florie Bel
Puppenbau: Colette Pouliquen
Lichtdesign: Clément Kaminski
Darsteller und Musiker: Gérald Chagnard (Saxofon, Mandoline), Sylvain Nallet (Klarinette), beide auch Phantasieinstrumente