Jeder Impuls initiiert einen Tanz (Each impulse initiates a dance)

Jeder Impuls initiiert einen Tanz (Each impulse initiates a dance)

Leszek Bzdyl, Gdańsk

Wednesday 2. Nov. // 10:00 a.m – 02:00 p.m. (part 1)
Thursday 3. Nov. // 10:00 a.m – 02:00 p.m. (part 2)
Die Villa


    »My technique is strongly rooted in the theatre tradition. For me, dance is currently the most complete and most effective training in preparation of an actor’s body for stage performance. Each impulse initiates a dance and voice training.

    My approach in this workshop is relaxation and improvisation, both in dancing and acting. In my work I concentrate on body consciousness, rhythm consciousness, and internal economy helping the dancer to participate efficiently and freely in the process of creation.« (Leszek Bzdyl)

    Leszek Bzdyl has wide experience in modern dance. Between 1987 and 2003 he worked as dancer and choreographer in almost 90 theatre and choreography projects and has been the director of the Teatr Dada von Bzdülöw in Gdansk for ten years. His dance performance »Kilka Blyskotliwych Spostrzezen« (»Several Witty Observations«) can be seen at the euro-scene Leipzig.

    The Workshop is held in English.

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    Archive 2005

    15th festival