I, myself and me again
LaborGras, Berlin
Wednesday 07.11.2007 // 04:00 – 07:00 p.m. (continuous entrance)
Thursday 08.11.2007 // 04:00 – 07:00 p.m. (continuous entrance)
Neue Szene / Schauspiel Leipzig
Multimediale Performance
Today, is it at all possible to distinguish between actual and virtually existent reality? An interactive communication surface is subject to shaping through the specific world of the dancer’s experience. A lively diary is written. The spectator can decide whether to follow it entirely or to take an interest only in individual stations.
The three dancers generally have to work on their own, but they are equally present in multiple form – overlaid, trebled, in mirror image. A camera records the dancers, who are then projected by computer. The performance, »I, myself and me again« is based on the mixture of actual and virtual meeting areas. Man is in dialogue with his image and the music.
LaborGras was founded in Hamburg in 1994 by dancers Renate Graziadei, who was born in Altach/Austria in 1970, and Arthur Stäldi, who was born in Luzern in 1959. In 2000, the company moved its base to Berlin. It works as a laboratory, with representatives of various arts, has received several awards, and is on a Europe-wide tour. At Tanzplattform Deutschland 2002 (Dance Platform Germany), LaborGras made its first guest performance in Leipzig with »Quartet« (choreography by David Hernandez).
»The live combination of actual images and images from the immediate past creates exciting duplications with a strong dancing present; the idea creates sparks both formally and emotionally … and sets in motion an organisational circuit between dance and technology« (Gesa Pölert, Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf, 24.11.2006).
Uraufführung: 03.04.2006, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Internetseiten der Compagnie: www.laborgras.com
Produktion: LaborGras, Koproduktion: Akademie der Künste, Berlin / Trans-Media-Akademie, Hellerau
Diese Veranstaltung wird ermöglicht durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN), München, aus Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien sowie der Kultur- und Kunstministerien der Länder.
Idee und Konzept: LaborGras
Computerprogramm: Frieder Weiss
Computervisualisierung: Arthur Stäldi
Musik: Ralf Krause
Technische Leitung: Götz Dihlmann
Lichtdesign und technische Leitung: Vilius Vilutis
Tänzer: Renate Graziadei, David Hernandez, Romeu Runa
Frieder Weiss und Arthur Stäldi geben am 09. Nov. einen Workshop »Tanz und moderne Technologien«.