I am … in Concert
Frans Poelstra & Robert Steijn, Vienna / Amsterdam
Sunday 12. Nov. // 10:30 – 11:15 p.m.
Festival centre at the theater fact
A solo for a club
The manager in sunglasses demonstrates; the typical 70s disco attitude – like John Travolta in »Saturday Night Fever«. Next to him, the semi-naked dancer in the short striped skirt, who tries in his own way.
In »I am … in Concert«, 70s and 80s disco classics are worked into a mercilessly comical performance. It shows the world of glamour and glitz and goes back to the place where everyone can be a star for one night. To the sounds of Barry White and Sister Sledge, the post-modern dancer wants to enrich the dance floor with his experience. However, his manager wants him to remain more mainstream and stick to business.
Frans Poelstra, born in Amsterdam in 1954, is a director, actor and dancer, currently living in Vienna. He has performed dance solos such as »De eenling vertelt« (»The lone wolf speaks«, 1989) and »Frans Poelstra zaubert« (»Frans Poelstra conjures«, 2003) and worked with choreographers such as Tonja Livingstone and Sasha Waltz. Robert Steijn, born in The Hague in 1958, studied Slavonic and Theatre Studies and started work as a dance critic. He created several theatrical installations and the solo performances »Facing the Invisible« (2003) and »Für Stefan« (»For Stefan«, 2004).
Since 2003, they have been working together and they call themselves United Sorry. They have created the duos »Frans Poelstra, his dramaturg and Bach« (2003) and »Hosting Matt Mullican« (2006), as well as the improvisation project »Tarzan, the experience, the male version« (2004) with Boris Charmatz, Mark Tompkins, Benoît Lachambre, Mat Voorter and Thomas Lehmen.
»The terrible lads from Holland« (AMO, Kurier, Vienna, 27.01.2005)
German premier
Konzept: Frans Poelstra, Robert Steijn
Tänzer: Frans Poelstra
Darsteller und DJ: Robert Steijn
Inszenierung: Nikolaus Habjan
Puppenbau: Nikolaus Habjan, Marianne Meinl
Musik: Kyrre Kvam
Bühnenbild: Jakob Brossmann
Kostüme: Cedric Mpaka
Video: Johannes Hammel
Lichtdesign: Günter Zaworka
Darsteller*innen und Puppenspiel: Hanna Binder, Sabrina Ceesay, Bettina Kerl, Linshalm, Tim Breyvogel, Tilman Rose
Einführung vor der Vorstellung: Nikolaus Habjan, Wien,
und Marie Rötzer, Intendantin Landestheater Niederösterreich, St. Pölten