Hermann Heisigs Hotelzimmer (Hermann Heisig’s Hotel Room)
Tuesday 6 Nov – Friday 9. Nov. // 06:00 – 08:00 p.m.
Saturday 10. Nov. // 06:00 p.m – 12:00 a.m.
Eintritt frei
Hotel Holiday Inn Garden Court
At euro-scene 2000, Hermann Heisig won »Das beste Tanzsolo« (»Best Dance Solo«) competition. His prize was a trip to the 2001 festival staying in the Holiday Inn in Leipzig. In recent weeks, Heisig, who actually lives in Leipzig, developed the idea for an arts project for inclusion in the Festival. »For five evenings and nights during the euro-scene, the anonymity of a hotel room will be transformed into a centre of remarkable events. I will play host to all kinds of personalities, who will illuminate the cosmic atmosphere of this room with movement, poetry, film and music« (Hermann Heisig).