Grand Reporterre #4 Deadline

Grand Reporterre #4 Deadline

  • Citizen.KANE.Kollektiv & Julia Lauter
    & Théâtre du Point du Jour (Deutschland / Frankreich)
04.November  19:30 - 21:00
Schaubühne Lindenfels / Grüner Salon
05.November  21:30 - 23:00
Schaubühne Lindenfels / Grüner Salon
  • 2021
  • Highlights
  • Theater


What impact does our current way of life have on future generations? Together with the journalist Julia Lauter from Hamburg, the Théâtre du Point du Jour and the Citizen.KANE.Kollektiv think through the development of three industries that are in the focus of criticism due to the climate crisis. Will the phase-out of coal and nuclear also mean the phase-out of gasoline and diesel? How are social discussions conducted in our country and in our neighbor France? A research deals with   coal-fired power plants around Leipzig and nuclear power plants around Lyon as well as with the automotive industry in Stuttgart. On stage are interviews with workers, politicians, activists and the greatest hero in human cultural history: Prometheus. Like Prometheus, the employees of these companies were first celebrated as hero:ins who brought heat, electricity and mobility to the people.

Today, they are considered environmental destroyers, whose work is at the center of the actions of environmental activists, who denounce them. From hero to zero. The evening considers the Promethean ambivalence of scientific progress and the need to rein in our limitless consumer desires in order to curb climate change.

The world premiere of the international co-production at euro-scene Leipzig will be followed by a tour with further performances at Schauspiel Stuttgart (November 12-13) and Théâtre du Point du Jour in Lyon (November 21-23).
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The performance on November 5 will be followed by an audience discussion with journalist Julia Lauter and the artists.


22 / 11 Euro

Production Citizen.KANE.Kollektiv, Éric Massé, Heidi Becker-Babel, Loïc Risser Journalist Julia Lauter By and withHeidi Becker-Babel, Jürgen Kärcher, Simon Kubat, Andrea Leonetti, Eric Massé, Christian Müller, Loïc Risser, Maximilian Sprenger Video + Photos Maëlys Meyer Sound + Video Quentin Chambeaud Production Marion Bouchacourt, Citizen.KANE.Kollektiv (Stuttgart), Théâtre du Point du Jour (Lyon, Frankreich), Compagnie des Lumas (Lyon, Frankreich) Photo Tom Dachs, Maelys Meyer Coproduction euro-scene Leipzig, Schaubühne Lindenfels Kooperation Schauspiel Stuttgart Supporters Stadt Leipzig – Kulturamt, Deutsch-französischer Bürgerfonds, Institut Français Lyon, Fonds Transfabrik, Nouveaux Horizons Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget adopted by the members of the Saxon Parliament. With the kind support of the Institut français and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication / DGCA.

Archive 2021

31th Festival Year