Fringe programme (selected presentations)

Fringe programme (selected presentations)

    Theater in den Zeiten der Krise
    (Theatre during times of crises)

    Panel discussion
    with Hannah Hurtzig, Dresden / Ev Schreiber, Leipzig / Michael Kulow, Berlin / Arnd Wesemann, Berlin
    Presentation: Michael Freundt, Berlin – Leipzig

    Einführung in die Pantomime
    (Introduction to pantomime)

    Workshop with the Mimodram-Theater, Tblissi
    with Ekaterina Robackidse, Kacha Bakuradze, Levan Kourtanidse, Lacha Oniani, Paata Tsikourischvili

    (Co-operation with AG Kommunales Kino in the naTo)

    \ »Klassenverhältnisse«
      (»Class relations«)
    Germany/France 1984, after Franz Kafka
    Direction: Jean-Marie Straub, Danièle Huillet

    \ Appunti per una orestiade africana
      (Sketches for an African Orestie)
    Italy 1969, essay trial aimed at an ancient tragedy
    Direction: Pier Paolo Pasolini

    \ The Dead
    Great Britain/Germany 1987, after James Joyce
    Direction: John Huston

    \ Faust
    Germany 1969, after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    Direction: Peter Gorski, with Gustaf Gründgens, Will Quadflieg, Elisabeth Flickenschild

    Archive 1995

    5th Festival Year