

Barbara Matijević & Giuseppe Chico, Zagreb / Bari

Friday 08. Nov. // 10.00 – 11.00 p.m.
Saturday 09. Nov. // 10.00 – 11.00 Uhr
From 14 years

    • Performance

    A woman and a computer. The screen as a window to the world. What is reality and what is distortion? What is image and what is believable? Distortion, interpretation, prediction? Experiences and hunches overlap. A fictional scientific experimental setup poses questions about the future and the danger of losing history.

    The performer confronts her own three-dimensional presence with the two-dimensional world of countless YouTube videos. The future exists as an accumulation of events not yet realized and offers space for speculation. “Forecasting” (“Prediction”) is the last part of a trilogy and deals unpretentiously and humorously with today’s media society.

    Barbara Matijević, born 1978 in Našice / Croatia, studied dance, literature and philosophy in Zagreb. Since 2003 she worked in the company Kombinirane operacije as a dancer, actress and choreographer. Together with Saša Božić she founded the company De facto in 2007. Giuseppe Chico, born 1974 in Bari / Italy, studied acting and choreography, among others with Mark Tompkins and João Fiadeiro. Since 2008 he has been working on lecture-performances together with Barbara Matijević.

    World premiere: 05.03.2011, Festival Performatik, Kaaitheater, Brussels
    Production: Kaaitheater / Co-production: Festival Uovo, Milan

    The guest performance in Leipzig is kindly supported by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Berlin.

    Conception and staging: Barbara Matijević, Giuseppe Chico

    Video: Giuseppe Chico

    Performer: Barbara Matijević

    In English / easy to understand (The German translation will be issued in written form free of charge).

    Archive 2013

    23rd Festival Year