Final Concert

Final Concert

Etnika, Valletta / Malta

Sunday 14. Nov. // 10:00 – 11:00 p.m.
free entry
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    German premier

    Etnika is Malta’s most famous music group, and it has a special status: preserving the old Maltese folk music from being forgotten and gathering songs and tunes from shepherds, farmers, fishermen and street traders. Music from marriage to the grave, lullabies and love songs – Etnika is reviving the heritage; sometimes playing the traditional instruments, sometimes performing modern arrangements. This combination gives rise to completely new and strangely thrilling expressive, tonal colours.

    Etnika plays in concert halls and at open-air theatres, even including flamenco and jazz. The musicians have made guest appearances at numerous festivals in Europe and northern Africa and now come for the first time to Germany.

    Komposition, Musikarrangements und Leitung: Andrew Alamango, Andrej Vujicic

    Rekonstruktion der Instrumente: Guzi Gatt

    Musikforschung: Steve Borg


    Andrew Alamango: Gitarre, Mandoline, Tanbur, Zummara, Gesang

    Andrej Vujicic: Cajon, Gesang, Tanbur, Katuba, Flejguta, Zaqq, Schlagzeug

    Jason Fabri: Trommel, Schlagzeug, Gesang, Tanbur, Zafzafa

    Emmanuel Vella: Sopran- und Tenorsaxophon, Flöte, Zafzafa

    Oliver Degabriele: Kontrabass

    Joe Debono: Klavier, Akkordeon, Schlagzeug

    Joanna Aquilina: Violine, Schlagzeug

    Julie Pomorski: Gesang

    (Bei den unterstrichenen Instrumenten handelt es sich um maltesische Volksinstrumente.)

    Archive 2004

    14th Festival Year