Extremum Mobile & Aseptic zone or Lithuanian songs (Aseptinė zona arba Lietuviškos sutartines)

Extremum Mobile & Aseptic zone or Lithuanian songs (Aseptinė zona arba Lietuviškos sutartines)

Aura Tanztheater Kaunas (Kauno Šokio Teatras Aura) / Lithuania

Sunday 14. Nov. // 07:30 – 09:00 p.m.

    Zwei Tanzstücke

    In »Extremum mobile« lifeless primitive men are changing their shape under the influence of images, colours and sounds, reaching gradually human strength. »Aseptinė zona arba Lietuviškos sutartines« (»Aseptic zone or Lithuanian songs«) deals with questions of norm and deviation. A(nti)septic procedures keep things clean and sterile, yet any individuality is oppressed by the fear of catching »deviant cancer«.

    The Aura Dance Theatre is Lithuania’s most innovative dance group. Their modern shapes and highlevel dance technique are enchanting. In 1980, Birutė Letukaitė – born in Kaunas – founded a modern dance company, which later developed into the Aura Dance Theatre. Birutė Letukaitė has participed in international workshops, including classes under Gret Palucca within the Summer Dance Classes in Dresden between 1978 and 1989, and has received many prizes for her rousing choreographies.

    Kaunas, Lithuania’s second city – after the capital Vilnius – has a long tradition of modern dance, influenced by Isadora Duncan. This is where the Aura Dance Theatre is based, as the only state-supported dance company in Lithuania. Aura maintains its own dance studio and also works with guest choreographers from Western Europe and America. Their guest performance at euro-scene Leipzig is their first in Germany.

    Final Night

    German premiers

    Extremum Mobile

    Uraufführung: 21.04.2001, Vilnius

    Keimfreie Zone oder Litauische Lieder (Aseptinė zona arba Lietuviškos sutartines)

    Uraufführung: 18.03.2004, Kaunas

    Im Anschluss kostenloser Bus-Shuttle zur Schaubühne Lindenfels

    Choreografien: Birutė Letukaitė

    Tänzer: Auxra Degutyte, Jodie Frater, Raimonda Gudaviciute, Ruta Kavaliauskiene, Audrone Leskeviciute, Ernestas Lisauskas, Christopher Morgan, Mantas Stabacinskas, Marjanas Staniulenas

    Extremum Mobile

    Video und Musik: Rolandas Cikanavicius

    Keimfreie Zone oder Litauische Lieder
    (Aseptinė zona arba Lietuviškos sutartines)

    Video: Saulius Paliukas

    Musik: Rolandas Cikanavicius, Darius Ciuta, DJ Skardas, Orlandas Narusis, Aram Chatchaturian (aus der Suite »Maskerade«)

    Archive 2004

    14th festival