The wheels in motion

The wheels in motion

Technical guide
For the 10th time: Insight into stage technology

Sunday, November 10, 2019 // 3:00 p.m. - approx. 4:00 p.m.
Schauspielhaus / Start: box office foyer

    Stage technology is usually a secret and invisible to the audience. You only pay attention to the stage design, music, lighting effects. A performance lasts one or even two hour(s), and the technical setup from unloading the set to the start of the performance often takes two full days.

    In 2010, euro-scene Leipzig attracted a great deal of interest with its first insight into technical processes. The tour has become a popular program item in nine editions so far. It is about the history and a look into the rooms of the Schauspielhaus as well as the technical realization of the guest performance with three choreographies by Angelin Preljocaj from Aix-en-Provence, which will be shown as the festival conclusion on the same evening.

    From 12 years

    Free counting cards

    Concept and management: Bernd E. Gengelbach

    Co-Director and Technical Director euro-scene Leipzig, and Antje Gruber, Stage Manager Schauspiel Leipzig

    Archive 2019

    29th Festival Year