The best German dance solo

The best German dance solo

14th competition 2019

Within the 29th euro-scene Leipzig
05th - 10th November 2019

    Award winner

    The competition “The best German dance solo” 2019 was decided on the closing night of euro-scene Leipzig, November 10, 2019. The award winners are:

    1st price

    Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky, Strasbourg
    born 1991, Strasbourg / Frankreich
    “twenty seven – what I have learned with dancing so far”.

    Music: Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky, Daniel Salzmann
    Education: Dance (Conservatoire de la musique et le danse, Strasbourg, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen)
    Status: Freelance dancer

    2nd price

    Shao-Yang Hsieh, Linz
    born 1993, Tainan / Taiwan

    Music: Giong Lim
    Education: Contemporary stage dance (Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz).
    Status: Student

    3rd price

    Elisabeth Kindler-Abali, Berlin
    born 1982 in Leonberg
    “Quota woman”

    Music: Albert Lortzing »Der Waffenschmied«, „Arie der Marie (Gundula Janowitz, Sopran), Agaric
    Education: Dance (Palucca University of Dance Dresden)
    Status: Dancer, Artistic Director Dance Company animi motus (Berlin)

    Audience Award

    Alina Belyagina, München
    born 1989 in Berdytschiw / Ukraine
    »Pure.Image« (»Klares.Bild«)

    Music: Sonae
    Education: Dance (State University of Culture and Arts, Moscow / Russia)
    Status: Choreographer

    Participants* 2nd round (conclusion)

    Sunday 10th November 2019

    1. Tian Gao, Berlin // »The root«

    2. Alejandro Vallejo, Leipzig // »Leerefaden Bodenstrom«

    3. Denis Thuillé, Berlin // »WOEPÜTEN«

    4. Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky, Strasbourg // »siebenundzwanzig – was ich mit dem Tanzen bis jetzt gelernt habe«

    5. Alina Belyagina, München // »Pure.Image« (»Klares.Bild«)

    6. Shao-Yang Hsieh, Linz // »j(us)«

    7. Philipp Caspari, Berlin // »Flow my tears« (»Fließt, meine Tränen«)

    8. Tatjana Mahlke, Berlin // »YAAPOM«

    9. Natasha Vergilio, Berlin // »INFINITUM« (»Das Unendliche«)

    10. Elisabeth Kindler-Abali, Berlin // »Quotenfrau«

    Participants* 1st round

    The euro-scene Leipzig, festival of contemporary European theater, organizes for the 14th time the popular competition “The Best German Dance Solo” based on a concept by the Flemish choreographer Alain Platel, Ghent.

    During the internal pre-selection in September, festival director Ann-Elisabeth Wolff and artistic director of the competition René Reinhardt selected 20 participants*. These are in the public rounds within the festival on Friday, November 08, Saturday, November 09 and Sunday, November 10th to be seen.

    Friday, 08th November 2019 // 1st Round – Part I

    1. Antonio Dias, Berlin
    born 1979 in Lissabon / Portugal
    »El Bicho« (»The Animal«)
    Music: Nikos Tsiachris
    Education: Flamenco (Berlin, Seville), Pedagogy, Choreography (University of the Arts, Berlin).
    Status: Flamenco dancer, dance teacher, choreographer

    2. Anna Elisabeth Diepold, Leipzig
    born 1995 in Schongau
    »F 2556«
    Music: Thomas Schumacher, Collage: Anna Elisabeth Diepold
    Education: dance pedagogy, performance (Tanzzentrale Leipzig), cultural studies
    Status: Student, staff member for dramaturgy at the Leipzig Ballet

    3. Alejandro Vallejo, Leipzig
    born 1994 in Brasilia / Brasilien
    »Leerefaden Bodenstrom«
    Music: Jorge Drexler, Editing: Nicolas Behler
    Education: Theaterwissenschaft transdisziplinär (Universität Leipzig)
    Status: Student

    4. Tatjana Mahlke, Berlin
    born 1997 in Berlin
    Music: Feverkin
    Education: Stage Dance (University of Applied Sciences for Contemporary and Urban Dance, Zurich).
    Status: Freelance dancer

    5. Christoph Diener, Hamburg
    born 1997 in Kiel
    »My psyche«
    Music: Christian Löffler
    Education: Construction technical assistant
    Status: Student, Lola Rogge School (Hamburg)

    6. Ulrike Rahe, Berlin
    born 1978 in Bielefeld
    »Inner worlds« (»Innere Welten«)
    Music: Cœur de pirate
    Education: educator, businesswoman for audiovisual media, dance (Tanzakademie balance I, Berlin)
    Status: Vehicle logistician, fundraising agency Dialog Direct (Berlin)

    7. Denis Thuillé, Berlin
    born 1995 in Nantua / Frankreich
    Music: Max Cooper, Béla Bartók »Mikrokosmos«
    Education: Dance (Dance Academy balance I, Berlin)
    Status: Student

    8. Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky, Strasbourg

    born 1991 in Strasbourg / Frankreich
    “twenty seven – what I have learned with dancing so far”.
    Music: Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky, Daniel Salzmann
    Education: Dance (Conservatoire de la musique et le danse, Strasbourg, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen)
    Status: Freelance dancer

    9. Shao-Yang Hsieh, Linz
    born 1993 in Tainan / Taiwan
    Music: Giong Lim
    Education: Contemporary stage dance (Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz).
    Status: Student

    10. Mechthild Schade, Leipzig
    born 1995 in Leipzig
    »Nothing matters«
    Music: Linkin Park Cover, Tommee Profitt
    Education: Dance (Berufskolleg Tanzakademie Minkov, Winnenden)
    Status: dancer, dance teacher

    Saturday, 9th November 2019 // 1st Round – Part II

    1. Demis Moretti, Hannover
    born 1977 in Limeira / Brasilien
    »My hair«
    Music: Alaska Thunderfuck »Exit in grey«
    Training: Classical Ballet (São Paulo / Brazil, Hannover)
    Status: dancer, choreographer

    2. Melli Müller, Berlin
    born 1986 in Bielefeld
    »Dear me …« (»Liebes Ich …«)
    Costume: Judith Reindl
    Education: Performance, Dance (Performing Arts Studio, Bielefeld, Tanzakademie balance I, Berlin)
    Status: dancer, choreographer

    3. Natasha Vergilio, Berlin
    born 1989 in São Paulo / Brasilien
    »INFINITUM« (»The Infinite«)
    Music: Cuicuitte
    Education: Contemporary Dance (São Paulo / Brazil)
    Status: Dancer

    4. Stefan Krämer, Leipzig
    born 1990 in Karl-Marx-Stadt
    Music: Collage Stefan Krämer
    Education: teaching physics, biology, bioinformatics
    Status: Student Bioinformatics

    5. Linnea-Eileen Willeke, Stade
    born 2002 in Stade
    »Reason to fight«
    Music: Disturbed
    Education: Ballet (Ballet studio off balance, Stade, Stage art musical school, Hamburg).
    Status: student

    6. Elisabeth Kindler-Abali, Berlin
    born 1982 in Leonberg
    “Quota woman”
    Music: Albert Lortzing »Der Waffenschmied«, „Arie der Marie (Gundula Janowitz, Sopran), Agaric
    Education: Dance (Palucca University of Dance Dresden)
    Status: Dancer, Artistic Director Dance Company animi motus (Berlin)

    7. Max Levy, Berlin
    born 1989 in Tokio / Japan
    »A solo without context«
    Music: Kasper Bjorke Quartet
    Education: Dance (San Francisco Ballet, Charlotte Ballet / USA, Staatsballett Nürnberg)
    Status: choreographer, dancer

    8. Tian Gao, Berlin
    born 1994 in Wuhan / China
    »The root«
    Music: Mika Vainio, Ryoji Ikeda, Alva Noto
    Education: Dance (Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, Minzu University of China, Beijing)
    Status: Guest dancer with Sasha Waltz & Guests, Berlin

    9. Alina Belyagina, München
    born 1989 in Berdytschiw / Ukraine
    »Pure.Image« (»Klares.Bild«)
    Music: Sonae
    Education: Dance (State University of Culture and Arts, Moscow / Russia)
    Status: Choreographer

    10. Philipp Caspari, Berlin
    born 1974 in Altötting
    »Flow my tears«
    Music: John Dowland (Countertenor: Philipp Caspari)
    Education: Voice (Mozarteum Salzburg), Contemporary Dance (Salzburg and Berlin), Voice Therapy
    Status: countertenor, performer, vocal coach

    Info: From the participants of the 1st round on Friday and Saturday, a total of ten dancers will be selected by a 5-member jury to compete in the final round on Sunday, November 10.

    From 14 years

    Per evening 14,00 € (reduced 9,50 €)

    The competition is supported by Konsum Leipzig eG, LONG HORN Lipsk Dry Gin, Leipzig and IntercityHotel Leipzig.

    Idea and concept: Alain Platel, Ghent

    Artistic direction and moderation: René Reinhardt, Leipzig


    / Katja Erfurth, dancer, choreographer, board member Villa Wigman für Tanz e. V., Dresden

    / Prof. Dr. Claudia Jeschke, dance scientist, Munich and New York

    / Hermann Heisig, choreographer and dancer, Berlin

    / Martin Künanz, Head of Communications, Dresden Music Festival

    / Christian Watty, technical advisor internationale tanzmesse nrw, Düsseldorf

    Archive 2019

    29th Festival Year