Concert d’eau pour jardin d’hiver (A concert of water for a winter garden)

Concert d’eau pour jardin d’hiver (A concert of water for a winter garden)

Mélodie Théâtre, Boos

Saturday 11. Nov. // 03:00 – 04:00 p.m.
Sunday 12. Nov. // 11:00 – 12:00 a.m. and 05:00 – 06:00 p.m.
Neue Szene / Schauspiel Leipzig

    Theatralische Wassersinfonie

    A sextet of actors dressed in blue move for a poetic journey into the pool. There, we hear bubbling and gurgling, pattering and splashing. Most of the fantasy instruments they are playing can be found around the house: bottles and glasses, a corkscrew, a hose and an air pump.

    In the relaxed and, at the same time, strange atmosphere of a winter garden, an ingenious and highly enjoyable water symphony is performed with the unbridled pleasure of play. Everyday sounds and objects are reinterpreted and the very personal way of composing music precedes a playful development phase lasting for months.

    Mélodie Théâtre was founded in 1986 and has established its home in Boos, a small town near Rouen in Normandy, France. The team of ten people works with various forms of theatre and concentrates its work on musical theatre for children. Its repertoire includes pieces such as »Le pain de ménage« (»Household bread«, 1992) by Jules Renard and »Monsieur Bonhomme et les incendiaries« (»Everyman and the arsonists«, 1996) by Max Frisch, as well as its own creations such as »Concert d’eau pour jardin d’hiver« (»A concert of water for a winter garden« and »Manège Océan« (2004). The company was invited to the Zürcher Theater Spektakel in 2005 and this is its first guest appearance in Germany.

    »Not one word is spoken, but the ›concert of water‹ has much to say: it is clever nonsense, a storm of hydraulic notes, magical rain, which stops and starts with the children’s song ›La claire fontaine‹ (›The clear fountain‹). The water is so wonderful« (La Montagne, Clermont-Ferrand, 20.12.2000).

    German premier

    Uraufführung: 24.06.1994, Sotteville-les-Rouen / Neufassung 2003

    Internetseiten der Compagnie:

    Produktion: Mélodie Théâtre

    Das Gastspiel erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Institut Français de Leipzig.

    Inszenierung: Catherine Raffaeli

    Musik: Pierre Gaudin

    Bühnenbild: Denis Brély

    Kostüme: Mireille Martini

    Lichtdesign: Jean-Loup Guillaumat

    Technische Leitung: Paul Agratina

    Darsteller und Musiker: Catherine Raffaeli, Denis Brély, Pierre Gaudin, Patrice Guillaumat, Patrice Mizrahi, Gérard Yon

    Für Kinder (ab 4 Jahre) und Erwachsene

    Archive 2006

    16th festival