Commedia del servitore (Comedy of Servants)

Commedia del servitore (Comedy of Servants)

La Strada, Sofia

Saturday 5. Nov. // 10:00 – 11:30 p.m.
Sunday 6. Nov. // 05:00 – 06:30 p.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    Theaterstück nach Goldoni, Molière und Cervantes

    A knight sits on a wiry horse dummy, which keeps falling over in slapstick fashion when he reaches for his weapon. The actors speak in speech bubbles and in the most appropriate language – commands in German, tea drinking in English. Grotesque crying combines melodiously with the music.

    »Commedia del servitore« (ital. = »Comedy of Servants«) is a potpourri of clownery, theatre, jazz and fine art. This sultry mix of society description and persiflage propagates glamorous ease. The three episodes can be traced back to international literary works: »The Servant of Two Masters« by Carlo Goldoni, »Dom Juan« by Jean-Baptiste Molière (also known through the opera »Don Giovanni« by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart); and »Don Quixote« by Miguel Cervantes. Common to all of these is the relationship between master and servant.

    In all good humour, director Stefan Moskov also aims his remarks at the mentality of his Bulgarian compatriots, who the story likes to keep placing in the role of victim/servant, and who feel none too uncomfortable here where they can avoid responsibility. »Commedia del servitore« has made guest appearances in numerous countries and enjoyed triumphant success at the Festival d’Avignon in 2002.

    After training as a director in his home city, Stefan Moskov – born in Sofia in 1960 – staged productions in deepest rural Bulgaria, in Tolbuchin. In 1991, he founded La Strada along with architect Plamen Timev. This was Bulgaria’s first private theatre, named after the film by Moskov’s favourite director, Federico Fellini. Since 1994, Moskov has been highly successful with stage productions in Germany, e.g. such as »Schwanengesänge« (»Swan Songs«) after Anton Tschechow at the Düsseldorf playhouse (1995). La Strada has made a previous guest appearance at the euro-scene Leipzig, with »Marmelade – Jam Session« in 1998.

    German premier

    Uraufführung: 30.03.2001, Sofia

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    Das Gastspiel erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Goethe-Instituts, München.

    Inszenierung: Stefan Moskov

    Dramaturgie: Natasha Kurteva

    Komposition und Musiker: Antoni Donchev

    Kostüme: Svila Velichkova

    Lichtdesign: Dimitar Penkov

    Technische Leitung: Margarita Bakardzhieva

    Darsteller: Vyara Kolarova, Stefaniya Koleva, Adriyana Naydenova, Maya Novosselsska-Moskova, Nikola Dodov, Kamen Donev, Hristo Garbov, Nencho Ilchev, Borislav Stoilov, Valentin Tanev, Stefan Valdobrev

    In bulgarischer Sprache mit deutscher Übertitelung

    Archive 2005

    15th festival