Come Quick Danger

Come Quick Danger

Tanztheater Schauspiel Leipzig

Wednesday 12 Nov. and Thursday 13 Nov. // 07:30 – about 08:45 p.m.
Neue Szene

    Dance-theatre production by Irina Pauls

    »Much evil happened on this world
    but only little that gave the descendants so much joy.«

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1787

    The grand gesture of farewell.
    Women and children first.
    The catastrophe.
    Lightning bolt illuminating life.
    The disappearance of the men.
    Women assuming leadership.
    Utopian dreams emerge.
    Visions becoming true.

    The horizon disappears.
    Converged visions.
    Ice melts.
    The conditions reformulate movement.

    Irina Pauls

    Irina Pauls was born in 1961 in Leipzig and, starting in 1985, worked at the Landestheater (county theatre) in Altenburg. It was here, where she first caused a sensation as ballet master and choreograph before she founded Schauspiel Leipzig’s dance theatre in 1990. Until now she created for this company 13 full-length choreographies in which she always searched for the correlation between the various art forms and then made those an intricate part of her work. Due to Schauspiel Leipzig’s austerity programme it is planned to close the dance theatre, which incidentally is the only modern professional company in eastern Germany except for Berlin, at the end of the 1997/98 theatre season.

    Debut Performance

    Produktion: Schauspiel Leipzig

    Contribution selected by Schauspiel Leipzig

    Choreografie und Inszenierung: Irina Pauls

    Musik: Marcus Ludwig

    Bühnenbild: Horst Vogelgesang

    Kostüme: Katrin Hoffmann

    Technische Leitung: Rolf Seydel

    Tänzer: Véronique Bret, Rosa Costa, Lara Kugelmann, Katja Ottiger, Marcin Baczyk, Torsten Keller, Marco-Antonio Queiroz

    Archive 1997

    7th Festival Year