Braune Kastanien (Chesnut Brown) / Campo de’ Fiori
Andreja Rauch / Mala Kline, Ljubljana
Wednesday 10. Nov. and Thursday 11. Nov. // 10:30 – 11:45 p.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels
Zwei Tanzstücke
EN-KNAP is one of the best-known dance companies in Slovenia. Founded by dancer and choreographer Iztok Kovač in 1993 in Leuven/Belgium, the group moved to Ljubljana one year later and has made guest appearances in numerous cities around Europe. With EN-KNAP, Kovač has produced seven choreographies and four films.
Other choreographers emanated from EN-KNAP too, such as Andreja Rauch and Maja Kline. Both artists represent, together with Maja Delak as the »third in league«, a kind of next generation of Slovenia’s rich, manifold dance scene.
Andreja Rauch, born in 1975 in Kranj, was educated in dance and choreography in London. She also has experience in video art and teaching. She has been dancing with EN-KNAP since 1999 and began choreographing at the start of 2000. In »Kostanjevo Rjava« (»Chesnut Brown«) she combines dance and music in a genre spanning tête-à-tête. Song, trumpet playing and movement create together a joyous autumnal mood, reminiscent of Slovenian myths and melodies.
Maja Kline, born in 1977 in Ljubljana, studied philosophy, dance, choreography and educational theory. She too danced with Iztok Kovač, as well as with Wim Vandekeybus in Brussels. »Campo de’ Fiori« is her first own solo piece to the painter Francis Bacon. Her starting point for it was the character and ideas of the philosopher and scientist Giordano Bruno, who was executed at the place Campo de’ Fiori in Rome.
Chesnut Brown (Kostanjevo Rjava)

Campo de’ Fiori

German premiers
Produktionen: EN-KNAP Produkcija in Koproduktion mit Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Internetseiten der Compagnie:
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Ministeriums für Kultur, Ljubljana
Chesnut Brown (Kostanjevo Rjava)
Konzept und Choreografie: Andreja Rauch
Musik (Klavier): John Sweeney
Performer: Nuska Drascek, Andreja Rauch, Jasna Zitnik, Matjaz Cosic, Tomaz Pipan
Trompete: David Jarh
Uraufführung: 09.01.2004, Ljubljana
Campo de’ Fiori
Choreografie und Tanz: Mala Kline
Musik: Saso Kalan
Uraufführung: 30.01.2004, Ljubljana