Bis (Encore) / Ode to the attempt

Bis (Encore) / Ode to the attempt

Jan Martens – Grip, Rotterdam / Antwerpen
Two dance pieces

Wednesday, 09. November 2016 // 10.00 – 11.30 p.m.
Thursday, 10. November 2016 // 10.00 – 11.30 p.m.

    Jan Martens, one of the most successful choreographers of a young European generation, will show two very different dance solos on one evening:

    The expressive, dark solo »Bis« (»Encore«) was created for and with the now 65-year-old choreographer and dancer Truus Bronkhorst. It’s all about new beginnings that should follow any disappointment. Bronkhorst, born in 1951 in Heerlen / Netherlands, was very well-known in her home country for her eccentric choreographies in the 1980s and 1990s. After a longer pause, she is now on stage in another artist’s choreography for the first time.

    In »Ode to the attempt«, Jan Martens himself not only appears as a choreographer, but also as a dancer. He allows the audience to take a look behind the curtain and lets it take part in the process from rehearsals to the finished work. Here Martens focuses on the imperfect and offers a humorous insight into his life and work.

    Jan Martens, born in 1984 in Beveren / Belgium, completed his dance education in Tilburg and Antwerp. After receiving his diploma in 2006, he danced in various companies, e. g. with Ann Van den Broek. He created his first evening-length piece in 2010. Martens had guest performances in numerous cities and countries with »Victor« (2013) and »The dog days are over« (2014). His latest project, »The common people«, premiered at Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf, in May 2016 with 48 local residents. At euro-scene Leipzig 2015, Martens was a guest for the first time with the love duet »Sweat, baby, sweat«.

    Ab 14 Jahre

    22,00 € (erm. 17,00 €)

    Uraufführung: 17.10.2012, Frascati Theater, Amsterdam
    Produktion: Grip vzw, Antwerpen & Frascati Producties, Amsterdam

    »Ode to the attempt«:
    Uraufführung: 26.03.2014, Festival Cement, Verkadefabriek, s’Hertogenbosch
    Produktion: Grip vzw, Antwerpen


    Die Gastspiele in Leipzig erfolgen mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch die Botschaft des Königreichs der Niederlande, Berlin, und Dutch Performing Arts (Niederländische Darstellende Künste), Den Haag.


    Tänzerin: Truus Bronkhorst

    Performer: Piet Defrancq

    Ode to the attempt
    (Ode an den Versuch)

    Tänzer: Jan Martens

    Archive 2016

    26th festival