Because I sing – The film

Because I sing – The film

Film by Alain Platel, Gent

Saturday 16. Nov. // 03:00 – about 05:00 p.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    Introduction and subsequent interview with Alain Platel

    A film by Alain Platel? A remarkable undertaking – this Belgian producer and choreographer was born in 1956 in Ghent, but has attained worldwide renown for his plays and has particularly close links to our festival. The first guest performance »La tristeza cómplice« (»The Shared Sorrow«) 1996 in Leipzig was followed by »Bernadetje«, »Iets op Bach« (»A Little Something Set to Bach«) and »Allemaal Indiaan« (»Everyone is an Indian«). And last but not least, he is the originator of the concept and idea for our competition »Das beste deutsche Tanzsolo« (»Best German dance solo«) which has been held five times at euro-scene since 1997, and was last held at the »Tanzplattform Deutschland« in February 2002 in Leipzig , and has enjoyed increasing popularity.

    Alain Platel commented on his work: »Technique and movement aren’t so important but if someone has them, it’s possible to work together on a completely different footing. I‘m interested in the tension that develops on the stage between people who are more or less gifted in terms of technique. This radiates a completely different energy. Different ages and different generations on the stage is also something that fascinates me enormously. It’s true that I am always looking for people who appear to be different from each other – at first sight« (from: »Neugier und Leidenschaft« (»Curiosity and Passion«), Festival publication for the 10th euro-scene Leipzig 2000, p. 34).

    Now to a film, a documentary. »Because I sing – The Film«, which is based on the unique choral event featuring 16 different choirs staged in London’s Roundhouse with two live performances at the end of March 2001. Platel’s production thoughtfully brings together choral groups comprising over 500 voices conducted by Orlando Gough. Both artists scoured the boroughs of London for voices of character and brought together amateur urban choirs, sacred and secular, side by side with singers from Armenia and the Congo, housewives, Jews, gospel singers, children and young people, to name just a few of the participants.

    The result is a personalised musical portrait of London which pays tribute to the tolerance, democracy and classlessness of singing. And finally, it this humanity that is so uniquely typical of Platel’s plays that is felt here, whether it is in the highlights from the rehearsals, conversations (Alain Platel also has his say), or in the choral event itself. The secret of Alain Platel’s plays and perhaps his films as well may lie in his sympathy with the greatness of ordinary people.

    Michael Freundt will then talk to Alain Platel about the sources of his film and their issues. His artistic direction of Les Ballets C. de la B and his new theatre project »For charity« based on Mozart’s music which will be performed for the first time at the RuhrTriennale in May 2003, will also be topics for discussion.

    Mitarbeit und Kamera: Sophie Fiennes

    Musikalische Leitung: Orlando Gough

    Einführung und Gespräch: Alain Platel

    Moderation: Michael Freundt, Leipzig

    Einführung und Gespräch werden übersetzt.

    Archive 2002

    12th Festival Year