Anima – Marionettenleben (Anima – life of marionettes)

Anima – Marionettenleben (Anima – life of marionettes)

In cooperation with ARTE
Documentary by Marc Huraux (2004)

Friday, 11. November // 04.30 – ca. 06.30 p.m.r
Passage Kinos

    • Film
    • Film

    Given Nikolaus Habjan’s presence, the world of puppets plays an important role at this year’s euro-scene Leipzig. The ARTE film »Anima – Marionettenleben« (»Anima – life of marionettes«) offers broad insight into the different forms of puppet theatre. The film was shot in France, Japan, Germany, Georgia and Great Britain and leads the audience through the poetic universe of six important representatives of contemporary puppet theatre. One of them, Nicole Mossoux from Brussels, was often a guest at euro-scene Leipzig (most recently with »Kefar Nahum« in 2015).

    The aesthetics of the piece excerpts are very diverse and range from world literature to political theatre, shadow play and abstraction.

    Free reservation tickets / only at the festival ticket office or at Passage Kinos

    Ab 12 Jahre

    ARTE France / Cinétévé / Ina 2004 // Dauer: 106 Minuten
    In deutscher Sprache

    Introduction: Dr. Martina Bako, theatre scholar, Universität Leipzig

    Regie: Marc Huraux

    Drehbuch: Sylvie Martin-Lahmani, Marc Huraux

    Puppenspieler: Nicole Mossoux (Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté, Brüssel), Hoichi Okamoto (Dondoro Theatre, Tokio), Rezo Gabriadze (Tiflis), Liz Walher & Gavin Glover (Compagnie Faulty Optic, London), Frank Soehnle (Figuren Theater Tübingen), Ilka Schönbein (Theater Meschugge, Paris – Berlin)

    Archive 2016

    26th Festival Year