Affectos humanos (Human passions) / Der Grüne Tisch (The Green table)

Affectos humanos (Human passions) / Der Grüne Tisch (The Green table)

Choreographies by Dore Hoyer and Kurt Jooss

Thursday 09. Nov. // 4.00 – ca. 5.30 p.m.
From 14 years
Free reservation tickets
Passage Kinos

    • Film
    • Film

    Film – recording of two choreographies

    Dore Hoyer (1911-67) was one of the most important representatives of German Ausdruckstanz. Her five-part solo cycle »Affectos humanos«, which is based on the Netherland’s philosopher Baruch de Spinozza’s (1632-77) theory of affects, is titled »Eitelkeit« (»Vanity«), »Begierde« (»Lust«), »Hass« (»Hatred«), »Angst« (»Fear«) and »Liebe« (»Love«).

    Kurt Jooss (1901-79) created the first »political« ballet in dance history with »Der Grüne Tisch« (»The green table«). It shows negotiations about war and death in an expressionist form. Ten men in black suits, white vests and grotesque masks caustically celebrate »diplomacy« while death repeatedly demonstrates its power.

    / Affectos humanos (Human passions)

    / Der Grüne Tisch. Ein Totentanz in acht Bildern
    (The Green table. A dance of death in eight pictures)

    Introduction: Dr. Martina Bako, theatre scholar, Universität Leipzig

    / Affectos humanos
    (Human passions)

    Choreography und dance: Dore Hoyer (Essen, 1962)
    Piano and drums: Dimitri Wiatowitsch
    Recording: Frankfurt/M., 1963 / Direction: Rudolf Küfner
    Production: Hessischer Rundfunk / Duration: 21 minutes

    / Der Grüne Tisch. Ein Totentanz in acht Bildern
    (The Green table. A dance of death in eight pictures)

    Choreography: Kurt Jooss (Paris, 1932) / Music: Frederic Cohen
    Recording with the Joffrey Ballet of Chicago (2000)
    Direction: Thomas Grimm / Production: RM Associates, WTTW and WDR
    Germany / Great Britain, 2000 / Duration: 35 minutes

    Archive 2017

    27th Festival Year