1913 – Dance on the Volcano

1913 – Dance on the Volcano


Wednesday 06. Nov. // 4.30 – ca. 6.30 p.m.
From 14 years
Passage Kinos
Eintritt frei

    • Film

    1913 is the last peaceful year before the First World War. But many artists already foresee in their works the dark times that lie ahead for Europe. And Igor Stravinsky creates a revolutionary sound image of that time with »Le sacre du printemps« (»The Rite of Spring«), which turns into a scandal at its premiere on May 29, 1913. In 13 chapters, the film presents the important themes and personalities of 1913, including Igor Stravinsky, the Ballets Russes with their director Sergeij Djagilew and the dancer Vaslav Nijinsky, Coco Chanel, Franz Kafka, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nikolaus II. In this way, the film draws the mosaic of an exciting year that saw the dawn of a new age and the end of peace in Europe.

    Foto: Igor Strawinsky in der Pension »Les Tilleuls« in Clarens bei Montreux, wo er »Le sacre« komponierte (1912)

    ARTE / ZDF 2013 / Dauer: 90 Minuten / deutsche Fassung
    Erstausstrahlung 29.05.2013

    Konzept: Dag Freyer / Filmautoren: Dag Freyer, Jobst Knigge, Alexander Kühne, Henrike Sandner, Kathrin Schwiering, Katharina Wenzel

    Einführung: Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi, Theaterwissenschaftler, Universität Leipzig und Direktor Tanzarchiv Leipzig

    Archive 2013

    23rd Festival Year