Театър Дани и Деси (Theater Danny & Dessi), Haskovo
A children's play

Saturday 08 Nov // 15.00 - 16.00 p.m.
Sunday 09 Nov // 11.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
Cellar Theatre of the Leipzig Opera House

    German premiere

    “Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a water kingdom at the bottom of the sea … ” is how the story of Princess Droplet begins. A small stage made of all kinds of revolving tulle curtains becomes an enchanting underwater world: schools of fish pass by, you can hear the roar of the sea and seagull cries.

    The fairy tale “Printzesa Kaptschitza” (“Little Princess Dripping”) is about friendship and courage. With imaginative rag dolls, few words and lots of music, it tells in poetic pictures about a young king’s daughter who is to be married off. But she is not interested in the many suitors. She only wants to marry Prince Murmel from the neighbouring kingdom and one day disappears without a trace …

    Tania Evtimova was born in 1959 in Gabrovnitsa near Pleven in Bulgaria and lives in Haskovo, a town of about 79,000 inhabitants about halfway between Sofia and Istanbul. She studied puppetry at the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Krastio Sarafov” in Sofia. She worked at the Haskovo State Puppet Theatre for ten years before founding the puppet theatre Danny & Dessi together with her husband Atanas in 1995. In the meantime, her children Danny and Dessi have also joined in. Some of the 13 plays so far have been broadcast by Bulgarian National Television. Guest performances have taken the small experimental theatre to more than 40 festivals at home and abroad, e.g. Belgium, France, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Mexico. Tania Evtimova has received several awards and is now giving guest performances in Germany for the first time.

    “The professionalism, the perfect scenography and the music were highly appreciated and recognised both by the acting and puppetry colleagues and by the audience. As a Bulgarian you feel really proud at the long stormy applause” (Violeta Arnaudova, Haskovska Maritsa, Haskovo, 07.11.2006).

    For children (from 3 years) and adults

    In German language

    First performance: 12.03.2005, Poppentheater Pierewiet, Bruges

    Company email address: theatre_dd@abv.bg

    Production: Theatre Danny & Dessi

    Idee und Text: Tania Evtimova

    Musik: Dessi Dimova

    Puppen, Bühnenbild und Kostüm: Atanas Evtimov

    Darstellerin: Tania Evtimova

    archive 2008

    18th Festival Year