

  • Marco da Silva Ferreira / Pensamento Avulso (Portugal)
03.November  19:30 - 20:30
Schauspiel Leipzig / Große Bühne
  • 2021
  • Dance

Six dancers create an ecstatic firework of movements between tribe and club culture – electrifying sound rhythms, pulsating dance, strong poses make the stage shake and thereby break a heteronormative corset. Marco da Silva Ferreira raises the question of gendered identities. How do you break out of the stereotypes of masculinity and femininity? He uses the metaphor of the bison, which seems powerful because of its size, but is itself prey. An invitation to look behind the facade? Not to be dazzled? The powerful choreography alternates between contemporary dance, urban dance, ballroom dancing and hip-hop. It breaks up the usual gender relations, gives room for individuality and creates a dynamic interplay.

Marco da Silva is a star among the young generation of choreographers in Portugal, since he was elected best young artist in his home country in 2015 and has worked his way inexorably into the international dance scene with pieces such as HU(R)MANOS or BROTHER.


Seat group I
30 / 15 Euro

Seat group II
26 / 13 Euro

Seat group III
22 / 11 Euro

Artistic direction / Choreography: Marco da Silva Ferreira

Performance: Duarte Valadares, Eríc Santos, João Reis Moreira, Marco da Silva Ferreira, Mélanie Ferreira, Melissa Sousa

Music: Rafael Maia

Assistant to the artistic director: Pietro Romani

Technical direction / lighting design: Wilma Moutinho

Musical direction: Marco da Silva Ferreira, Rui Lima, Sérgio Martins

Sounddesign: Rui Lima, Sérgio Martins

Stage design: Fernando Ribeiro

Costumes: João Rôla

Production Management: Joana Costa Santos

Production Assistant: Mafalda Bastos

Lighting technology: Cláudia Valente

Sound and stage technology: João Monteiro

Photo: José Caldeira

Production: Pensamento Avulso – Associação de Artes Performativas

Distribution: Art Happens

Coproduction: Teatro Municipal do Porto (PT); São Luiz Teatro Municipal (PT); Théâtre de la Ville (FR); Charleroi Danse (BE) / Marco da Silva Ferreira is supported by “Associate Artist Residency” from the centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie – Director Alban RICHARD. Supported by Direção Geral das Artes.

Archive 2021

31th Festival Year