The Köln Concert

The Köln Concert

  • Trajal Harrell / Schauspielhaus Zürich (Schweiz)
02.November  19:30 - 20:40
Schauspiel Leipzig / Große Bühne
  • 2021
  • Dance

German premiere

Choreographer Trajal Harrell will show his first work as director of the new dance company at the Schauspielhaus Zurich at the opening of the 31st euro-scene Leipzig. A dance piece to the most famous solo piano recording of all time – Keith Jarrett’s THE KÖLN CONCERT. Harrell opens this touching evening with four songs by Canadian musician Joni Mitchell.

After many months of lockdown and distance rules in the theater, THE KÖLN CONCERT is looking for a language to be close even in times of social distance. The shared experience of tender people, of dancing people who show their vulnerability on stage, is a reminder of the need to stay close despite everything. A reminder to have respect for yourself and each other and not to forget that there are many stories of people who are rarely heard or seen. People pushed into the shadows, the lonely, the addicted, the abandoned, the homeless, the sad, defying their abandonment proudly and in beauty.

There is a need to relearn to do theater and dance. In front of an audience. With distance and caution. But not with less dedication.

Trajal Harrell is originally from the USA and has lived in Athens for many years. He became known worldwide for his series of works TWENTY LOOKS OR PARIS IS BURNING AT THE JUDSON CHURCH and is now a regular guest at the most important international venues for dance and visual arts. Trajal Harrell has been in-house director at Schauspielhaus Zürich since 2019.

7.30 p.m. Minister of State Barbara Klepsch and Mayor of Culture Dr. Skadi Jennicke officially open the 31st euro-scene Leipzig with the new festival director Christian Watty.

After the performance, we cordially invite you to a reception hosted by the Swiss Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany. Please see the latest information on this at


Seat group I
30 / 15 Euro

Seat group II
26 / 13 Euro

Seat group III
22 / 11 Euro

Staging + Choreography + Stage + Costumes Trajal Harrell With Titilayo Adebayo, Maria Ferrera Silva, Trajal Harrell, Thibault Lac, Nojan Bodas Mair, Songhay Toldon, Ondrej Vidlar Music Keith Jarrett, Joni Mitchell Light Sylvain Rausa Dramaturgy Katinka Deecke Audience Development Mathis Neuhaus Theater Pedagogy Manuela Runge Production assistance Maja Renn Stage design assistance Ann-Kathrin Bernstetter, Natascha Leonie Simons Costume assistance Ulf Brauner, Miriam Schliehe Stage management Michael Durrer Director’s hospitability Moritz Lienhard International Relations & Touring Management Björn Pätz. To the music of Keith Jarrett and Joni Mitchell.Use by arrangement with ECM Records. Photo:Reto Schmid Production:Schauspielhaus Zurich

Archive 2021

31th Festival Year