Cela (The Cell)

Cela (The Cell)

Theatre TUBB II, Wrocław
Piece of motion

Wednesday 23 Nov. // 05:00 – 06:15 p.m. and 10:00 – 11:15 p.m.
Thursday 24 Nov. // 07:00 – 08:15 p.m. and 10:00 – 11:15 p.m.
Friday 25 Nov. // 07:00 – 08:15 p.m. and 10:00 – 11:15 p.m.
Saturday 26 Nov. // 05:00 – 06:15 p.m. and 10:00 – 11:15 p.m.
Sunday 27 Nov. // 05:00 – 06:15 p.m. and 10:00 – 11:15 p.m.
Ernst-Beyer-Haus (Poetisches Theater)

    German premiere

    The darkness in the room seems eerie, and the deep silence is downright frightening in its eeriness. Suddenly, a loud noise breaks in. Is this cell a prison or an expression of the imprisonment of the self? The desperate young men are almost still children. Were they forcibly imprisoned as soldiers or have they robbed themselves of their personal freedom through mysterious processes? And why does the long-haired beautiful girl, locked in a cage, give the impression of a wild tigress who has just been captured?

    Violence and oppression erupt. One could follow the events more calmly if they were set in the past days of the war. But soon parallels to the present creep out. The theatre also offers moments of hope, only: external freedom does not guarantee the inner independence of the individual.

    “The Cell” can be described as an almost sensational discovery. The basic idea is overwhelming: Every spectator is directly involved in the production and is thus part of the action. (How this happens is of course not revealed! But don’t worry, there is no need to speak or act). Only 24 audience members can be present per performance – and really not a single one beyond that.

    Theatre TUBB II has been in existence since 1978 and its unconventional, experimental productions set it apart from many other theatres in Poland. In addition to its numerous stage performances, it also stages street theatre and organises the annual “International Festival of Young Theatre” in Wrocław. TUBB II has performed many times at home and abroad and in 1993 took part in the famous summer festival in Avignon.

    The music is played.

    “A completely wordless play, accompanied by aggressive music and powerful sound effects … The performance is a metaphor of both conscious and instinctive struggle for freedom” (Tadeusz Burzynski, Gazeta Robotnicza, Wrocław, 15.06.1993).

    The guest performance is kindly supported by the Polish Institute, Leipzig.

    Konzeption und Inszenierung: Krysztof Zuber

    Bewegung: Zbigniew Mlądzki, Krzysztof Zuber

    Bühnenbild: Jacek Ćwikła

    Musik: Jan Garbarek, Godflash, Lights in a Fat City, Dis Harmonic Orchestra, This Mortail Coil, Laibach, Sound of Birds (Collage: Paweł Kowalczyk)

    Technische Leitung: Jacek Bereżański

    Darsteller: Katarzyna Krośniak, Joanna Krupska, Andrzej Czech, Paweł Kowalczyk, Sebastian Kopiej, Jarosław Uspieński, Tomasz Waszkiewicz

    Archive 1994

    4. Festivaljahr